黃金期貨交易(Gold bullion futures)
Gold futures
As in the case of gold futures transactions and futures trading in general goods and financial instruments, both parties first sign contracts and deliver bonds for the sale of gold futures . Most contracts typically do not actually deliver, and most of them run off before expiry. The market for gold period is . Most contracts run off before expiry. https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E9%B%84%E97%E6%C%9E8%B4%E7%E5%B8%B8%C8%C2%C2%Ttle > market.
Most of the world's gold market transactions are essentially similar in content, including , contractual unit, , minimum wave limit, 1.保證金。交易人在進入黃金期貨交易所之前,必須要在經紀人那裡開個戶頭。交易人要與經紀人簽定有關合同,承擔支付保證金的義務。如果交易失效,經紀人有權立即平倉,交易人要承擔有關損失。當交易人參與黃金期貨交易時,無需支付合同的全部金額,而只需支付其中的一定數量(即保證金)作為經紀人操作交易的保障,一般將保證金定在黃金交易總額的10%左右。保證金是對合約持有者信心的保證,合約的最終結果要麼以實物交割,要麼在合約到期前作相反買賣平倉。保證金一般分為三個層次:
1. . The trader must enter into the gold futures exchange before . The trader must sign the relevant contract with the manager to pay the guarantee 一是初級保證金(Initial Margin)。這是開期貨交易時,經紀人要求客戶為每份合同繳納的最低保證金。
First is the initial bond (Initial Margin). 二是長期保證金(Maintenance Margin)。這是客戶必須始終保有的儲備金金額。長期保證金有時需要客戶提供追加的保證金。追加的保證金是當市場變化朝交易商頭寸相反方向運動時,經紀人要求支付的維持其操作和平衡的保證金。如果市場價格朝交易商頭寸有利的方向運動時,超過保證金的部分即權益或收益,交易商也可要求將款項提出,或當作另外黃金期貨交易的初始定金。
The second is a long-term guarantee. This is a deposit that the client must keep for the last time. The long-term bond sometimes requires an additional guarantee from the client. 三是應變和盈虧的保證金(Variation Margin)。 清算客戶按每個交易日結果向交易所的清算機構所支付的保證金,用來抵償客戶在期貨交易中不利的價格走勢而造成的損失。
Third is the guarantee for response and loss (Variing Margin). Liquidation clients pay each for losses resulting from unfavourable price movements in futures transactions. 2.合約單位。黃金期貨和其他期貨合約一樣,由標準合同單位乘合同數量來完成。紐約商品交易所的每標準合約單位為100盎司金條或3塊1公斤的金條。
2. . 3.交割月份。黃金期貨合約要求在一定月份提交規定成色的黃金。
3. . 4.最低波幅和最高交易限度。最低波幅是指每次價格變動的最小幅度,如每次價格以10美分的幅度變化;最高交易限度,如同目前證券市場上的漲停和跌停。紐約交易所規定每天的最高波幅為75美分。
4. Minimum banding and maximum trading limits. Minimum banding is the minimum range for each price change, e.g., 10 cents for each price change; maximum trading limits, like the current stock market, have stopped and dropped. New York exchange sets a maximum wave size of 75 cents per day. 5.期貨交付。購入期貨合同的交易商,有權在期貨合約變現前,在最早交割日以後的任何時間內獲得擁有黃金的保證書、運輸單或黃金證書。同樣,賣出期貨合約的交易商在最後交割日之前未做平倉的,必須承擔交付黃金的責任。世界各市場的交割日和最後交割日不同,投資者應加以區分。如有的規定最早交割日為合約到期月份的15日,最遲交割月份為該月的25日。一般期貨合約買賣都在交割日前平倉。
5. Future delivery. Dealers who purchase futures contracts have the right to obtain bonds of gold, shipping orders, or gold certificates at any time after the earliest delivery date. Similarly, dealers who sell futures who have not done a warehouse before the final delivery date must assume responsibility for the delivery of gold. 6.當日交易。期貨交易可按當天的價格變化,進行相反方向的買賣平倉。當日交易對於黃金期貨成功運作來說是必須的,因為它為交易商提供了流動性。而且當日交易無需支付保證金,只要在最後向交易所支付未平倉合約時才支付。
6. The day of the transaction. The futures transaction may change according to the price of the day and be bought in the opposite direction. The day of the transaction is necessary for the successful operation of the gold futures, as it provides liquidity for the traders. And the day of the transaction does not require the payment of a bond, provided that is not settled. 7.指令。指令是顧客給經紀人買賣黃金的命令,目的是為防止顧客與經紀人之間產生誤解。指令包括:行為(是買還是賣)、數量、描述(即市場名稱、交割日和價格與數量等)及限定(如限價買入、最優價買入)等。
7. Directives, which are orders for customers to buy gold from their agents, are designed to prevent confusion between customers and their agents. Instructions include: behaviour (whether buy or sell), quantity, description (i.e. market name, delivery date, price and quantity) and qualification (e.g., price-limits, best-value purchases). 具體過程如下:
Specific procedures are as follows: 一是開設賬戶。投資者一般要向黃金期貨交易所的會員經紀商開立賬戶,簽署風險《揭示聲明書》、《交易賬戶協議書》等,授權經紀人代為買賣合約並繳付保證金。經紀人獲授權後就可以根據合約條款按照客戶指令進行期貨買賣。
Investors usually open accounts to the members of the Golden Stock Exchange, sign risky statements of disclosure, trade account agreements, etc., and authorize the agent to pay a guarantee for the purchase and sale of the contract. When the agent is granted the authority to do so, it can sell the goods in accordance with the terms of the contract and in accordance with the client’s instructions. 二是下達指令。指令包括品種、數量、日期、以及客戶意願價格。關鍵性指令有:
Second, the instructions are given. The instructions include species, quantities, dates, and the price of the client’s will. The key instructions are: 1.市價指令。指按當時交易所的價格進行交易。
1. . 2.限價指令。這是一種有條件指令,只有市場價格達到指令價格時才被執行,一般買價指令只有在市場價格低於一定水平時才執行,而賣價指令只有在市場價格高於一定水平才執行。如果市場價格沒有到達限度價格水平,該指令就不能被執行。
3. . The order is also an order by the client's authorized agent to buy a sale contract at a given price. The purchase of means that a client wants to buy an entry agreement at a market price immediately once the market price is higher than a certain price; a sale order implies that a client wants to sell an offer at a market price immediately. 4.停止限價指令。指客戶要求經紀人在交易所價格跌至預定限度內的限價賣出,或上漲到預定限度內以限價補進的指令。這一指令綜合了停價指令和限價指令的特征,但相對於限價指令來說有一定風險。
4. to the prescribed limit price limit . 5.限時指令。該指令也是一種有條件指令,表明經紀人在多長時間內可以執行該指令。一般情況下,除有說明外,指令均為當日有效,如果一個指令在當日的交易盤中未被執行,那麼該指令就失效或過期。
6. The arbitrage command is used to create multiple warehouses at the same time and 三是執行與結果通知:經紀人在收到客戶發出的交易指令後,該指令就迅速傳送到期貨交易廳中。當該指令被執行後,即買賣成功,有關通知會返回經紀人,經紀人一般先口頭通知投資者執行情況:價格、數量、期限以及倉位情況。然後於第二天書面通知投資者。
Third: After the manager received the client's /a>, the manager promptly sent the order to the futures trading office. When the order was enforced, the purchase was successful, the notice was returned to the manager, who generally informed the investor of the execution by mouth: price, quantity, duration, and location. 下表為1993 年4 月8 日紐約商品交易所黃金期貨交易的行情。
The table below shows how the gold futures were traded on the New York Commodity Exchange on 8 April 1993. 黃金期貨交易的標準量為100 金衡盎司,買賣一筆合同的交易量均為100金衡盎司。
The threshold for gold futures transactions is 100 . The volume of transactions for a contract is 100 收市價;
(6) ; (7)列為當天價格與前一天價格之差;
7) is the difference between the price of the day and the price of the day before. (8)列為尚未結清的合同的數量。
(8) is shown as the number of contracts that have not yet been concluded. 以第三行為例,交割月份為6 月,季度最高價格為1 盎司=418.50 美元,最低價格為1 盎司=327.10 美元,當天最高價為1 盎司=340.80 美元,當天最低價格為1 盎司=337.20 美元,當天收市價為1 盎司=336.90 美元。4 月8 日的收市價比4 月7 日收市價低0.80 美元,尚有78110 筆合同未結清。
In the third line, for example, the month of delivery is June, with a quarterly maximum price of 1 ounce = $418.50, a minimum price of 1 ounce = $327.10 and a current maximum price of 1 ounce = $340.80, and a current minimum price of 1 ounce = $337.20 and a current market price of 1 ounce = $336.90. The market price on 8 April was 0.80 less than the market price on 7 April, with 78110 contracts outstanding. 黃金期貨也像一般商品期貨一樣,採取逐日盯市結算方法。設起始押金為交易量的4%,那麼購買交割日在6 月份一筆期貨的押金為1347.6 美元(4%×336.9×100),若維持押金為初始押金70%,則為943.32 美元,表上指出4 月8 日的收市價比4 月7 日收市價低0.80 美元。期貨買者當天損失80 美元(0.80×100),這80 美元要從其押金中扣除。若4 月8 日的收市價比7 日的收市價高0.80 美元,買者押金增加80 美元,買者可以從其押金帳戶上提取這80 美元。這種逐日盯市結算制度使期貨交易的利潤和損失立即實現。這是黃金期貨合同和遠期合同的主要區別。
is also like 黃金交易的投機者根據有關信息預測,黃金期貨價格上漲。他決定先賤買,待價格上升之後貴賣。4 月8 日買一筆6 月交割的黃金期貨,價格為1 盎司=336.9 美元,總價值為33690 美元(336.9×100),到5 月8日,6 月交割的黃金期貨價格升為1 盎司=356.9 美元,該投機者立即決定賣出一筆6月。
For example, < https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E6%8E9%E6%E9%E9%9%C%A%A%A6%E8%8"title=" speculator" increased the price of gold based on the information forecast. 表紐約商品交易所黃金期貨交易100 金衡盎司每盎司的美元價格
100 dollars per ounce for gold futures on the New York Commodity Exchange. 月份交割的期貨。對沖原來的購買其凈利潤2000 美元(35690—33690),若投機者認為黃金期貨的價格將要不斷地下跌,他們就會以高價賣出,待價格下跌之後,再以低價買入,對沖原來的交易賺取利潤。
Monthly futures are delivered. To buy 2,000 United States dollars (35690-33690) from cashiers who believe that gold futures will fall constantly, they will sell them at high prices, when prices fall, buy at low prices, and profit from the transaction. 某珠寶製造商在5 月份與客戶簽訂黃金為原料的金首飾合同。在合同簽訂時黃金期貨市場的價格為1 盎司=340 美元,該珠寶製造商以這個價格作原料成本,加上其他生產費用來確定金首飾的價格。該珠寶製造商根據一些信息,預料到6 月份黃金的現貨價格和期貨價格都要上漲。如果他不採取什麼防範措施,黃金的現貨價格上漲,他的生產成本提高,產品價格不變,他的利潤會減少,或者虧損經營。為了防止這種情況發生,該珠寶製造商在簽訂出賣產品合同的同時,決定在商品交易所購買交割日在8 月的黃金期貨。
gold market < < /a %E7%B%B%B7%B%B /blni%B >. According to some information, 該製造商通過期貨交易,成功地對現貨交易進行了保值,防止了黃金現貨價格上漲、生產成本提高、利潤下降的風險。
manufacturer successfully secured /a> against the risk of higher prices, higher production costs, lower profits on gold cash.
( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 )
最高價 最低價 月份 最高價 最低價 收市價 變動 尚未結清的合同
410.00 325.80 4 339.40 336.0 337.60 -O.80 1222
339.40 339.40 5 338.20 -0.80 10
418.50 327.10 6 340.80 337.20 336.90 -0.80 78110
426.50 328.50 8 341.50 338.60 340.20 -0.80 13916
395.00 330.60 10 341.50 -O.80 2503
383.00 331.70 12 344.70 341.10 342.80 -0.90 155004
376.00 333.80 2 344.50 344.40 344.30 -0.90 5815
360.00 335.20 4 346.00 345.50 345.90 -0.90 4720
383.00 332.80 6 347.20 -1.00 3123
385.50 341.50 8 348.80 -1.10 3100
352.00 344.00 10 350.00 350.00 350.60 -1.10 1207
356.70 343.00 12 352.50 -1.20 3541
日期 現貨市場 期貨市場
5 月10 日 預料6 月
1 盎司= 340 美元
購買1000 盎司
價值340000 美元
1 盎司= 345 美元
買10 筆8 月交割期貨合同
每筆100 盎司價值為345000 美元
5 月20 日 1 盎司= 360 美元
買進1000 盎司
支出360000 美元
損失20000 美元1 盎司= 365 美元
賣出10 筆8 日交割期貨合同
價值為365000 美元
利潤20000 美元
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