本网讯(通讯员赵明 谢轩虎 胡鹏飞)10月25日,湖北首家“web3区块链加密云”上线发布暨助力西陵双创“上云入链”启动会,在宜昌市西陵区唐家湾都市产业园三峡星未来数据服务器生产检测中心圆满举行。西陵区委书记任蔚,三峡大学计算机与信息学院党委书记刘谊,市发改委党组成员、副主任刘辉,市科技局党组成员、副局长谢超,市经信局三级调研员程继勇,国网宜昌城区供电中心副总经理董伟受邀出席,区委常委、区政府副区长王巍进行欢迎致辞。
On October 25, this message (communication officer Jo Ming Xie Xiaohu Hu Fei) was launched and successfully held at the Production Monitoring Centre for the Future Data Server of the Three Gorges of the Towns Gardens in the Western Hills region of Yichhang City. The Secretary-General of the West Mahal Region, Secretary of the Computer and Information Institute of the Three Gorges University, Liu Soo, member and Deputy Director-General of the Municipal Development and Reform Committee, Liu Hui, member and Deputy Director-General of the City Council for Science and Technology, Xie Xiao, Director-General of the City Council for Science and Technology, and the Deputy Director-General of the City Information Agency's three-level Researcher, and the Deputy Director-General of the National Network's Power Centre in the City of Yichang City was invited to attend.
It was described that the Future Data Technology of the Three Gorges (Yichan) Ltd., a new generation of information technology headlines in the Western mausoleum, was focused on block chains, metron cosmos, peripheral computing, distributional cloud storage services, block chain product research and development applications, Web3 new generation Internet eco-building, which provided government, business, and individual users with a system of product services based on data values to meet the needs of sea-level data storage, management, applications, etc. for the future Web3 era of the Internet.
As a next step, the Western mausoleum will continue to strengthen & ldquo; the Precious & & rdquo; assume responsibility for building a new high ground for digital economic development around & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & #14 & & & & & & & & & &, taking advantage of the wealth of education, finance, technology, culture, talent, electricity, transport logistics and other advantages of the central city, by exploring new paths of digital industrialization, fostering new ways of digitizing services, promoting new models of government digital governance and accelerating new upgrading of digital public services.
(Presbyter: Yan Zhiqiang)
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