
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:46 评论:0
中本聪到底是谁?这成了21世纪最难解决的难题之一。Who is Nakamoto? This is one of the most difficult questions of the twenty...



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Who is Nakamoto? This is one of the most difficult questions of the twenty-first century.


The encyclopedia introduced him:

中本聪(英语:Satoshi Nakamoto),自称日裔美国人,日本媒体常译为中本哲史,此人是比特币协议及其相关软件Bitcoin-Qt的创造者,但真实身份未知。中本聪于2008年发表了一篇名为《比特币:一种点对点式的电子现金系统》(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)的论文,描述了一种被他称为“比特币”的电子货币及其算法。2009年,他发布了首个比特币软件,并正式启动了比特币金融系统。2010年,他逐渐淡出并将项目移交给比特币社区的其他成员。中本聪据信持有约一百万个比特币。这些比特币在2013年底时的价值超过十亿美元。

In 2008, he published a paper entitled Bitcoin: a point-to-point electronic cash system (Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System), describing an electronic currency and its algorithm that he called “bitcoin.” In 2009, he released his first bitcoin software and officially launched the Bitcoin financial system. In 2010, he gradually faded out and handed over the project to other members of the Bitcoin community.

从发表论文以来,中本聪的真实身份长期不为外界所知,维基解密创始人朱利安·阿桑奇(Julian Assange)宣称中本聪是一位密码朋克(Cypherpunk)。另外,有人称“中本聪是一名无政府主义者,他的初衷并不希望数字加密货币被某国政府或中央银行控制,而是希望其成为全球自由流动、不受政府监管和控制的货币。”

Since the publication of the paper, the true identity of Mr. Benz has long been unknown to the outside world, and the founder of the WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has claimed that Mr. Benz is a code punk. Moreover, it has been argued that “Chinese Benz is an anarchist whose original purpose is not to have digital cryptography controlled by a government or central bank, but rather to be a currency free of global movement and free of government control and control”.


Anarchists. Intuitives are the conglomerates of anarchism for 2,000 years.


With regard to anarchism, the encyclopedia describes it as:


Anarchism (English: Anarchism) and its translation into Anachism is a series of political philosophys aimed at promoting personal freedom and abolishing government authorities and all governing bodies.


Its basic position is to oppose all domination and authority, including government, to promote self-help relations among individuals, and to focus on individual freedom and equality; its political claim is to eliminate government and any authoritarian relations in society or in the economy. For most anarchists, the term “ungovernment” does not represent chaos, disillusionment, or moral failure; it is a free voluntary association of individuals to build a harmonious society of mutual assistance, self-government, and anti-authoritarianism.


Is it a long-standing idea that the world needs a government or not? And are those like the authority of government? Are the big corporations in the business community established more hidden control than the government?


Trades, farms, rich country banks, flags, Google, apples, Amazons, Ali, these giants have easily captured the most important data in your life. Will they let your wealth be put into their accounts as soon as the opportunity comes and the benefits come? As some Swiss banks did to the Jews during World War II.


Without these powers, will we live a happier life? Where are the borders, cooperation and freedom, trust and precaution?

最早的“无政府”的使用出现在埃斯库罗斯的戏剧《七雄大战底比斯》,前467年。其中,安提歌尼公主的哥哥坡利内西参与攻打底比斯,统治者因此禁止埋葬坡利内西的尸体作为惩罚,安提歌尼公开拒绝接受禁令,说“就算没有别人来,我也要自己埋葬他,并独自承担埋葬我的亲兄弟所带来的危险。对这种挑衅对抗城市统治者的无政府行为,我并不羞耻(ekhous apiston tênd anarkhian polei)。”

The first “ungovernment” was used in Escurus' play, the Seven-Hings War Dibis, for the first time in 467. Of these, Princess Antigoni’s brother Polinisi took part in the attack on Tibis, and the rulers therefore banned the burial of Pollini’s body as a punishment, and Antigoni publicly refused to accept the ban, saying, “I will bury him myself, if no one else, and alone bear the danger of burying my brother.” I am not ashamed of this provocation’s anarchist act of anarchy against the city’s rulers (ekhous apiston taunt d anarchian polei).


In ancient Greece, 2,000 years ago, the Stoganist philosopher Tsino argued that despite the human instinct of self-defence, it became self-serving, and naturally gave human beings another instinct-social nature. Like some modern anarchists, he believed that if people acted in accordance with their instincts, they did not need the law, the courts, or the police, or the worship of temples and public idols, or money (the gift economy in lieu of exchange). He was called by Krupotkin “the best anarchist of ancient Greece.” In Krupotkin, Tsino “judged the power, intervention and control of the country and proposed the importance of personal moral law.” Within the Greek philosophy, the idea of the free community of Tsino government and the government theory was expressed in the form of the Plateau Communautaire and the Utopia.


Long ago, we only learned of Chino's faith in pieces through quotations.


So what's a bitcoin made by Nakamoto, an anarchist?


Bitcoin is a catalyst for peaceful anarchy and freedom, created against corrupt governments and financial institutions, not just to improve financial technology. In fact, Bitcoin acts as a currency weapon, and because encryption money is a challenge to authority, he is dubbed and, in order to appease the Bureau of Political Affairs and bankers, it is seen as an elegant and low-key technology designed to hide itself and to make them more acceptable in a technical way.


To this day, the users of encrypted money are all over the world, and many intelligent minds have become followers of it. He opens everything in the block chain world, glory and dreams, falsehood and madness.

但这位大佬,至今无人知晓真实身份,Satoshi Nakamoto也只是网络ID,中文译作中本聪。

But this big man, no one has ever known his true identity, and Satoshi Nakamoto is just an Internet ID, translated into Chinese as Chinese.

自2008年秋天,中本聪发表了一篇名为《比特币:一种点对点式的电子现金系统》(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)的论文。到今天,比特币市值1600亿美金,整个市场4000亿美金。

Since autumn 2008, China has published a paper entitled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. Today, Bitcoin is worth $160 billion and the entire market $400 billion.


On December 12, 2010, when Bitcoin became climatey, China’s deaf left silently, disappearing from the Internet and disappearing. Huge hopes and wealth, like rocks, remained intact and unacknowledged. Like superheroes in movies, they appeared quietly, left behind a work that had gone silently.


How can such a person disappear from the world without a trace, with a high degree of sophistication in cryptography, algorithms, economics, sociology, a chain of blocks and bitcoin?


But finding such a genius is not an easy task, since he has been able to design a world-famous bitcoin that is familiar with passwords, algorithms, and the Internet if his own backyard were so well thought out, and he must have done a massive clean-up of his Internet footprints before he disappeared.


Trying to find him is a decipher for a genius who created a mystery?


So far, as some have commented: The Nobel Prize wants to honour him, the speculator wants to use him, the media wants to consume him, ordinary people want to watch him... someone might want to burn him -- this heretic; but no one can find him.




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