Tether — The most popular stable currency in the world has been increasing circulation. Since January of this year, $4.7 billion of Tether has entered the Bitcoin ecosystem. Now, nearly $9 billion of Tether is in circulation.
Almost half of Tether has been issued in the last five months since the dollar coin came into existence on 6 October 2014. (The map from Tether shows that, beginning at the beginning of this year, it looks like a staircase with serrated teeth, followed by a small smooth period, with a final straight up.
What the hell is going on? Why do we need so much Tether?
(Blue lines represent the trend of Tether's release)
Bitcoin skeptic: The dollar is disappearing.
& nbsp; a Bitcoin skeptic believes that this is not a good sign that the real dollar — the trading network, the OTC channel and other ways in which people traded the code — is beginning to disappear in the cryptosystem and is being absorbed by the Bitcoin miners, who need the dollar to pay for large amounts of electricity.
伯克利国际计算机科学研究所的研究员Nicholas Weaver说,矿工“必须出售比特币来获取真正的钱”。
Nicholas Weaver, a researcher at the International Institute of Computer Science in Berkeley, said that the miners “must sell bitcoins to get real money”.
Weaver认为这种流行的加密货币主要是犯罪分子的工具,自2011年以来,他一直在研究比特币。他的研究主要由美国国家科学基金会资助。去年,在加利福尼亚举行的Enigma安全会议上,他在一次名为“Burn it with fire”(烧毁它)的演讲中对加密进行了抨击。
Weaver believes that this popular encrypt currency is primarily a tool of criminals, and he has been studying bitcoin since 2011. His research is mainly funded by the National Science Foundation of the United States. Last year, at the Enigma Security Conference in California, he criticized encryption in a speech entitled “Bern it with fire.”
观点:市场预期BTC价格会继续走高:Beincrypto发文称,根据区块链分析公司Glassnode的数据,主要加密货币交易所上比特币永续掉期的平均融资利率仍为0.05%。新的掉期交易没有明显增加融资利率,这说明了两点。首先:投资者和交易员正在现货市场上购买BTC,而不是利用杠杆。此外,平均融资利率仍保持在略高于零的水平,这表明尽管比特币的价格创下历史新高,但进行永续掉期交易的交易者还没有准备好进入空头头寸。换句话说,他们不认为价格会下降。这两个观察结果加在一起,表明市场预期BTC价格会继续走高。[2021/2/21 17:35:31]
First, investors and traders are buying BTC on the spot rather than using leverage. Moreover, the average financing interest rate remains slightly above zero, indicating that traders who make permanent transactions are not ready to enter empty positions despite historically high Bitcoin prices. In other words, they do not believe that prices will fall. Taken together, the two observations indicate that the market expects BTC prices to continue to rise. [2021/2/21 17:35:31]
He also regularly tweets the criticism of Bitcoin, and recently wrote:
He meant that when the price of bitcoin fell, "51% of attacks became cheap, bitcoin was no longer available."
& nbsp; Simply put, Tether is actually a currency pegged to the dollar. Exchanges, especially those with no links to traditional banks, use it to replace real dollars, bringing liquidity and hedge volatility to the encrypted currency market.
There are a few things -- well, more than a few -- that make Teth controversial. One, it's controlled by Bitfinex. Bitfinex is a popular crypto-currency exchange.
But the main problem is that Tether claims that Tether is pegged to $1:1. No one knows exactly what sustains Tether. No one has ever come forward to say that they can redeem Tether, which was supposed to be a dollar IOU. (At least this was the original agreement. Give them dollars, they'll give you Tether; if you return Teth, you can get your money back.)
Kraken通过Chainlink节点将Oracle费率提供给DeFi:加密货币交易所Kraken今日宣布,它现在正在运行自己的Chainlink节点,使其能够向以太坊和其他区块链广播其Oracle费率,以便去中心化金融(DeFi)应用程序和开发者使用。Chainlink内置的加密签名功能也允许用户访问平台任何数据的链上证明。(Coindesk)[2021/2/1 18:37:57]
Kraken provides the Oracle rate to DeFi through the Chainlink node: The Encrypted Currency Exchange Kraken announces today that it is now running its own Chainlink node, enabling it to broadcast its Oracle rate to the Ethio and other block chains in order to decentralize financial (DeFi) applications and developers. The encryption signature function in Chainlink also allows users to access the chain of proof of any data on the platform. (Coindesk) [2021/2/1 18:37:57]
随着时间的推移,游戏规则改变了。2019年4月,Bitfinex的总法律顾问Stuart Hoegner在法庭文件中承认,Tether只有74%的资金来自“现金和现金等价物”,这让人们相信,很多Tether是被凭空造出来的。(Bitfinex正在接受纽约总检察长办公室的调查。)当市场上只有价值28亿美元的Tether流通时,Hoegner透露了这一点。
The rules of the game have changed over time. In April 2019, Stuart Hoegner, the General Counsel for Bitfinex, admitted in court documents that only 74% of Tether's funds came from “cash and cash equivalents”, which led to the belief that many Tethers were created in vain. (Bitfinex is under investigation by the New York Attorney General's Office.) Hoegner revealed this when there was only $2.8 billion worth of Teth circulating in the market.
Today, that figure is three times the original.
无论是Stuart Hoegner,还是Tether的沟通部门,还是Bitfinex,都没有回复置评请求。
Neither Stuart Hoegner, nor Tether's communications department, nor Bitfinex responded to the request for assessment.
& nbsp; things we don't know
& nbsp; it can be said that one of the most important figures in the crypto-currency field is the actual dollar amounts in circulation in the system. That figure is just as important as the number of Tether. Both provide liquidity, making it easier to buy and sell bitcoins. Both contribute to bitcoin pricing. But only the dollar can be used to cover the cost of running the network.
当然,这个数字几乎无法确定。拥有银行业务的密码交易所(他们要么与银行直接建立联系,要么使用Crypto Capital Corp等影子银行服务)不愿共享信息。
Of course, this number is almost impossible to determine. The crypto-exchanges that have banking operations (they either have direct contact with banks or use shadow banking services such as Crypto Capital Corp) are reluctant to share information.
This does not include nearly 8,000 bitcoin ATM machines worldwide. In these machines, people can buy bitcoins in cash, usually anonymously, in tobacco shops or convenience stores.
& nbsp; what we know
& nbsp; however, we can learn about Bitcoin's cash situation by knowing what we know.
Based on block incentives, we know how many new bitcoins are in circulation. We know that bitcoin prices are determined by the total dollar in the system, that is, the combination of cash and Tether.
We know that Tether has been issuing virtual dollars at the rate of $33 million a day over the past five months — a powerful indicator of a dangerous decline in real cash levels in the system, as Weaver says.
& nbsp; electricity costs
How much cash is disappearing from the system in terms of energy costs? According to a data published by Cambridge University researchers, the Bitcoin network consumes more electricity than a small country — what Weaver calls “odd”.
四大会计师事务所普华永道的区块链专家Alex de Vries说,按照每千瓦时5美分计算,比特币网络每小时需要花费约33.5万美元。这意味着必须有人每天用现金购买价值近800万美元的新比特币,才能保证系统的安全。
Alex de Vries, a block chain expert at PricewaterhouseCoopers, the four leading accountants, said that the Bitcoin network costs about $3.35 million per hour at a rate of 5 cents per kilowatt. This means that people have to buy new bitcoins worth nearly $8 million per day in cash to ensure the system’s safety.
These costs are putting pressure on miners.
他们每10分钟获得6.25个比特币的奖励。按每比特币9000美元计算,相当于每小时34万美元。目前,他们不得不卖掉挖出的每一个比特币来支付电费。(在5月12日减半之前,他们的奖励是12.5 BTC,所以他们赚得更多。)de Vries表示,在5月至9月期间,电费平均成本将降至每千瓦时2-3美分。这是因为超过50%的比特币挖矿活动集中在中国四川省,该地区受益于雨季,水电能源成本较低。
They receive 6.25 bitcoins per 10 minutes. At $9,000 per bitcoin, it is equivalent to $340,000 per hour. At present, they have to sell every bitcoins that they dig to pay for electricity. (At 12.5 BTC, before being halved on May 12, they earn more.) De Vries states that the average cost of electricity will be reduced to 2-3 cents per kilowatt-hour between May and September. This is because more than 50 per cent of Bitcoin mining is concentrated in Sichuan Province, China, where the region benefits from the rainy season and water and electricity costs are lower.
Electricity is not the only cost that miners have to pay. They have to pay for their machines, up to US$ 3,000 per machine, and it is common for them to replace their equipment as ASIC equipment is upgraded. They also have to pay for rent, taxes, wages, and all other operating businesses. All of this needs to be paid in real dollars or yuan, not in Teth, which leads to a constant outflow of cash out of the ecosystem.
Weaver argued that even if the miners left the bitcoin they had just dug up, it would still take cash out of the system because it reduced the availability of bitcoins in the market and raised the price of bitcoins.
But isn't there enough giant whales (bitcoins) to ensure that bitcoins are not supplied in short supply?
After all, they can control the supply as they wish.
Weaver said:
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的两名研究人员在2018年6月发布的一份报告中称,Tether也为牛市提供了动力。(其中一位,John Griffin,现在正接受美国司法部的资助,通过他的公司Integra FEC对Tether进行研究。)2017年发行的Tether价值约14亿美元。
Two researchers at the University of Texas, Austin, stated in a report issued in June 2018 that Tether had also provided impetus to the cattle market. (One of them, John Griffin, is now receiving funding from the United States Department of Justice to conduct a study on Tether through his company, Integra FEC.) Tether, published in 2017, was worth about $1.4 billion.
This latest price surge (the price of bitcoin has risen by 36% since the beginning of the year) is different. Now he says, "There's only Tether."
The question is, who's buying bitcoin now? Where does the system get the much needed cash?
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