在享受這項革命性技術為工作和生活帶來便利的同時,我們如何確保其可能產生的負面影響得到控制,使技術進步真正惠及人類?我們如何在推動技術創新的同時保護消費者和人類的權益?各行業的 AI 發展如何為其他領域樹立典範,幫助後進者避免彎路?
How can we ensure that the potential negative effects of this revolutionary technology, while at the same time facilitating work and life, are contained and that technological advances are truly beneficial to humanity? How can we protect consumers and human rights while driving new technologies? How can AI in various industries develop a model for other domains to help the backward avoid turning the corner?
作為探索負責任人工智能的全球重要活動,芝加哥人工智能周將於 6 月 25 日至 28 日舉行(6 月 25 日:行業日;6 月 26 日:影響力日;6 月 27 日:創新日;6 月 28 日:Web3Con),深入探討這些問題,尋找答案,推動跨國、跨州、跨行業、跨學科的人工智能合作。
As a major global event to explore the role of artificial intelligence, Chicago AI Week will take place from 25 to 28 June (25 June: Career Day; 26 June: Impact Day; 27 June: Creative Day; 28 June: Web3Con) to explore these questions in depth, to find answers, and to move forward with artificial intelligence cooperation across countries, states, professions and science.
“關心人類未來的政府官員、思想家、技術專家和商業領袖們正在聯合行動,共同應對人工智能對人類社會帶來的機遇與挑戰。芝加哥人工智能周正是這一全球行動的重要組成部分。”芝加哥人工智能周發起人、AI 2030 機構創始人張曉晨表示。“芝加哥匯聚了頂尖學術機構、政府研究機構和創新生態係統,正在迅速崛起為一個有影響力的人工智能中心。此外,作為全球主要金融中心之一,芝加哥也充分利用其獨特地位,推動人工智能在金融和多個領域的創新與應用。”
& & & & ldquo; Government officials, thinkers, technologists and business leaders concerned about the future of humanity are working together to respond to the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence for human society. The Chicago Artificial Intelligence Week is an important component of this global initiative. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ) & & & & & &, & & ) ) & ) & & & & ) & & & & & & & & ) & & & ) & & & & & & ) & & ) & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & &
芝加哥人工智能周顧問委員會聯合主席、1871 首席執行官 Betsy Ziegler女士表示:“我們很高興在芝加哥人工智能周期間與AI 2030 一起啟動AI 2030芝加哥中心,進一步鞏固芝加哥作為技術創新中心的地位。1871 很高興邀請來自世界各地的人工智能領秀加入我們的變革之旅。”
Ms. Betsy Ziegler, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Chairman of the Chicago A.I.C., said: & & ldquo; we are pleased to launch with AI 2030 the Chicago Center of AI 2030 during the Chicago A.I. cycle to further strengthen Chicago as a technology innovation centre. 1871 It is a pleasure to invite artificial intelligence leaders from around the world to join us in our transformational journey.
From public safety to urban planning, we can use artificial intelligence to make our city a better place. Chicago Artificial Intelligence Week brings the leaders of artificial intelligence to our city, further entrenching our reputation as a centre of technology and artificial intelligence in the Midwest. ” Gilbert & Middot, President of the Commission for Economic, Capital and Technological Development of Chicago City; and Vegas Senators say so.
自 2023 年以來,企業家們已經清楚地認識到,他們不能僅僅作為旁觀者,而必須積極參與當今以人工智能驅動的創新當中。這需要堅實的戰略、前沿的技術和有效的合作夥伴關係,以充分發揮生成式人工智能的潛力並保持競爭優勢。芝加哥人工智能周為這些領導者提供了來自同行和各領域頂尖專家的寶貴見解和策略。大會的主題包括生成式 AI 革命、負責任 AI 深度解析、 AI 創業與投資以及人工智能大師課程等。演講嘉賓陣容包括 100多位重要專家和學者,其中包括:
Since 2023, it has become clear to entrepreneurs that they cannot be mere spectators, but must be actively involved in the creation of a new era that is now driven by artificial intelligence. This requires a strong strategy, cutting-edge technology and effective partnerships to maximize the potential of generating artificial intelligence and to maintain competition. The Chicago A.I. Week provides these leaders with valuable insights and strategies from peers and top experts in various fields. The themes of the conference include the generation of the AI revolution, the assumption of responsibility for AI in-depth analysis, AI in innovation and investment, and a master course for artificial intelligence.
Aaron Letzeiser,Obie 聯合創始人
Aaron Letzeiser, Obie Co-founder
Agus Sudjianto,前富國銀行企業模型風險部執行副總裁兼主管
Agus Sudjianto, Vice-President and Head of the former Enterprise Risks Department of the Rich Bank
Alex Castrounis,Why of AI 創始人兼 CEO
Alex Castrounis, Why of AI Founder and CEO
Amit Patel,Plug and Play Ventures 合夥人
Amit Patel, Plug and PlayVentures
Anastasia "Tracy" Raissis,Achillia Group, LLC 創始人兼 CEO
Anastasia "Tracy" Raisis, Achillia Group, LLC Founder and CEO
Anoop Nannra,Trugard.AI CEO
Aravinda Garimella,伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校信息係統助理教授
Aravinda Garimella, Associate Professor of Information, University of Illinois, Urbana Champagne
Arjun Ravi Kannan,Discover Financial Services 數據科學研究總監
Arjun Ravi Kannan, Director of Data Science Research, Discoverer Financial Services
Asad Hussain,EY-Parthenon 高級總監
Asad Hussain, EY-Parthenon Senior Inspector
Amy Guterman,Salesforce Accelerator 創新慈善高級總監
Amy Guterman, Salesforce Accelerator, Senior Director of Charitable Creation.
Andrew Czupek,北方信托北美區高級副總裁|數字資產和金融市場
Andrew Czupek, Senior Vice-President of North American Trust, Digital Property and Financial Market
Bamshad Mobasher,德保羅大學計算機科學教授
Bamshad Mobasher, Professor of Computer Science, University of DePaul
Betsy Ziegler,1871 CEO
Bharat Sunkari,Tek Analytics 創始人兼 CEO
Bharat Sunkari, Tek Analytics Founder and CEO
Boaz Ashkenazy,Simply Augmented CEO
Cathy R Cobey,安永全球負責任 AI 共同負責人
Cathy R. Cobey, Global Responsible for Ernst and Young, co-director of AI.
Carolyn Wiesenhahn,前 CDW 首席人力官兼高級副總裁
Carolyn Wiesenhahn, former Chief Manpower Officer and Senior Vice-President of the CDW
Chad Thompson,LanzaTech 首席人力官
Chad Thompson, LanzaTech Chief Manpower Officer
Chike Aguh,哈佛大學勞動力項目高級顧問
Chike Aguh, a senior consultant for the Harvard Labor Project.
Damu Winston,亞馬遜 Web3 創新全球負責人
Damu Winston, Amazon Web3 New Global Manager
Dan Weisman,全國房地產經紀人協會創新戰略總監
Dan Weisman, director of the new strategy of the National Real Estate Agency.
Diya Wynn,AWS 負責任 AI 負責人
Diya Wynn, AWS in charge of AI
Denise Turley,美國商會企業係統副總裁
Denise Turley, vice president of the United States Chamber of Commerce.
Ethan Bueno de Mesquita,芝加哥大學哈裏斯公共政策研究學院院長兼悉尼斯坦教授
Ethan Bueno de Mesquita, President of the Harris School of Public Policy Studies and Professor of Sydneystein, University of Chicago
Alderman Gilbert Villegas,芝加哥市經濟、資本和技術發展委員會主席
Alderman Gilbert Villegas, Chairman, Commission on Economics, Capital and Technology Development, Chicago City
Haris Khurshid,Chalo Ventures 合夥人
Harris Khurshid, Chalo Ventures partner
Jacob Hample,Filecoin Foundation 美國政府事務負責人
Jacob Hamble, Filecoin Foundation, U.S. Secretary of State
Jessica Yeats,NVIDIA 首席數據科學家
Jessica Yeats, NVIDIA Chief Data Scientist
Jimmy Yang,加拿大帝國商業銀行首席風險分析與基礎設施官
Jimmy Yang, Principal Risk Analysis and Foundation Application, Imperial Bank of Canada
Linda Jingfang Cai,前 LinkedIn 人才發展副總裁
Linda Jingfang Cai, former LinkedIn Vice-President of Talent Development
Loren Bushkar,美聯儲創新政策負責人
Loren Bushkar, head of the new Fed policy.
Karl William Putz,DPI 研發項目副主任
Karl William Putz, Deputy Director, DPI Development Project
Kevin Tupper,微軟 首席架構師
Kevin Tupper, Microsoft Chief Architect
Manas Talukdar,Labelbox 工程總監
Manas Talukdar, Labelbox Director of Engineering
Margaret Riley,美國聯邦儲備金融服務高級副總裁
Margaret Riley, Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve Financial Services.
Mark Rossi,Bravanti 職業服務副總裁
Mark Rossi, Deputy Director of Professional Services, Bravanti
Meghna Sinha,Verizon AI 中心副總裁
Meghna Sinha, Vice-President of the Verizon AI Centre
Nafiseh (Cati) Mollaei,芝加哥大學博士後研究員
Nafiseh (Cati) Mollaei, postdoctoral researcher, University of Chicago
Nate Savona,Oliver Wyman 合夥人
Nate Savona, Oliver Wyman, partner.
Nicholas Schmidt,SolasAI 創始人兼 CTO
Nicholas Schmidt, founder and CTO
Nick Pagliuca,Liquid AI 副總裁
Nick Pagliuca, Liquid AI Vice-President
Noelle Russell,AI Leadership Institute 首席 AI 官
Noelle Russell, AI Leadership Institute Chief AI Officer
Reza Rassool,Kwaai 主席兼 CEO
Reza Rassool, Chairman and CEO of Kwai
Salah Goss,萬事達高級副總裁
Salah Goss, Senior Vice President.
Sandeep Maira,Raven Risk AI 創始人兼 CTO
Sandeep Maira, Raven Risk AI Founder and CTO
Shanthi Gudavalli,摩根大通高級執行總監
Shanthi Gudavalli, Chief Executive Officer, Morgan Chase.
Sunayna Tuteja,美聯儲係統首席創新官
Sunayna Tuteja, CEO of the Federal Reserve.
Suraj Rajdev,谷歌家居與消費服務部數據、測量與分析負責人
Suraj Rajdev, Google House and Consumer Services Data, Measurement and Analysis Manager
Ted Souder,Wiggs Holding 創始人
Ted Souder, Wiggs Holding Founder
Tsi-tsi-ki Félix,記者 | TEDx 演講者 | 全國電視節目主持人
Tsi-tsi-ki Fé lix, journalist TEDx speaker host of national television shows
Xiaochen Zhang,芝加哥 AI 周制作人;AI 2030 創始人,FinTech4Good 首席執行官
Xiaochen Zhang, Chicago AI Week Producer; AI 2030 Founder, FinTech4Good CEO
Varun Nakra,德意志銀行副總裁
Varun Nakra, Vice-President, Deutsche Bank
其中擁有25 位 AI 初創企業創始人和 12 位投資評審。
There are 25 starters and 12 investment judges of AI’s start-ups.
基於 2023 年芝加哥人工智能大會的成功舉辦,2024 年芝加哥人工智能周將擴展至兩天,涵蓋更廣泛的行業,不僅限於金融服務,還包括了醫療、房地產、媒體、法律、交通等領域,還將深入探討負責任 AI 框架和最佳實踐。今年的活動將包含 20 多個會議、90 多位演講者,並新增實踐培訓機會。此外,還將首次頒發 AI 2030 女性 AI 領導力獎,以表彰在該領域表現卓越的女性領導者。通過負責任 AI 承諾倡議,我們將推動全球企業在技術進步的過程中成為負責任 AI 的領導者。
Based on the success of the Chicago Artificial Intelligence Conference in 2023, the Chicago Artificial Intelligence Week in 2024 will be expanded to two days, covering a broader range of professions, not only financial services, but also medical care, real estate, media, law, transport, etc., and will be explored in depth for the AI framework and best practices. This year’s event will include more than 20 conferences, more than 90 speakers, and new opportunities for practical training.
活動亮點之一:負責任 AI 深度解析,將探討負責任AI 的6大支柱,包括AI的公平性、透明性、隱私保護、安全可信、治理制度、和可持續發展等主題。商業領袖將了解如何使其 AI 戰略與負責任實踐保持一致,以符合監管標準和社會期望。與會者將獲得實施負責任 AI、優化其生成式 AI 項目以及構建穩健 AI 生態係統的可行策略。
One of the highlights of the event is that AI will be responsible for an in-depth analysis that will explore the six pillars of AI’s mandate, including the themes of AI’s fairness, transparency, privacy, security credibility, governance systems, and sustainable development. Business leaders will understand how to align their AI strategy with responsible implementation, consistent with supervisory standards and social expectations.
2024 年 6 月 25-26 日 芝加哥人工智能大會; 2024年6月28日 芝加哥 Web3Con
June 25-26, 2024, Chicago A.I.C.; June 28, 2024, Chicago Web3Con.
地址:芝加哥 1871 創新中心,伊利諾伊州芝加哥市
Address: Chicago 1871 Creative Center, Chicago, Illinois
注冊:請訪問 www.chicagoaiweek.com 購票注冊。
Note: Visit www.chicagoaiweek.com.
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Please contact: info@fintech4good.co.
2024 年芝加哥 AI 大會是芝加哥 AI 周的亮點活動,匯聚行業領導者、創新者和專家,討論技術進步、前沿應用、負責任 AI 實踐和在金融、保險、醫療等受監管行業的實際應用。
In 2024, the Chicago AI Conference was a highlight of the Chicago AI Week, bringing together industry leaders, creators and experts to discuss technological advances, forward applications, responsible AI implementation and practical applications in the supervised industries of finance, insurance, medical care, etc.
AI2030(www.ai2030.org)是一個會員制組織,致力於利用人工智能的變革力量造福人類,同時減輕其潛在的負面影響。我們的重點是負責任 AI、AI 為人人、AI 為善,目標是彌合意識、人才和資源的差距,推動各行業負責任 AI 的應用。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.ai2030.org。
AI2030 (www.ai2030.org) is a member organization dedicated to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity and reducing its potential negative effects at the same time. Our focus is on AI, AI for everyone, AI for good, aiming to bridge the gap between understanding, talent and resources, and promoting the need for AI to be responsible for the professions. For more information, please visit .
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