[專輯]石昇烜:何處是居延?── 居延城建置反映的漢代河西經營進程(下)

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:44 评论:0
“出土文獻與戰國秦漢地方行政研究新境”專輯 ˃ ˃ ˃ ˃ ˃. ˃ ˃ ˃. ˃...............................................



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The second half of the last century was the “explosive discovery period” for all parts of the country. A significant part of the history of the system, as a traditional historical theme, was written by generations of scholars; however, research was concentrated in the centre because of the paucity of records and research on local systems in the history of the country. The second half of the last century was the “explosive discovery period” for all parts of the country, Qin, Han, Wu, and Qing.


album consultant: . > >. >. >. >. . . >. . >........................................................................................................................................................


- Where's strong? - / span


West Hamde River development (down)

臺灣大學歷史系 石昇烜

Taiwan University Department of History.

第四章 居延地區在西漢河西行政區劃上的變化

Chapter 4 Changes in the extended area on the west side of the West Han River Administration


"Strong" I, from "Lieutenant Yindu" to "Jang Jian County"


The late version of Sihan's "Hanshu. Geography" in Zhang Qing County, where the name of the "Janjian" in Yanhan Jane is also used as evidence of the slave relationship. The earlier version confirms the age of the settlement and its history, but the relationship between the city and the county is still unclear, even for Zhang Qing County. The term "tension" is later than the age of Zhang Qing County, but does the area of the settlement belong to Zhang Qing County from the beginning?


In the first three years of history, Shizuku wrote: "180,000 soldiers, wine fountains, ginshines, Quantues, Quanticos, Quanticos, Quantico, Quantico, Quanticos, Quanticos, and Quanticos." As a result, the city was transferred from the Hanson Geographic to the Quarter, where it was considered to be a Quartermaster, and Szema-Gang added the word "Tun" after the Qin-Jin, which was recognized as a military operation and ruled out the possibility of statehood, but did not dare to determine that it was a Second Lieutenant. Thus, it was assumed that there was a problem when he took up residence from Hanson-Geology as a Quarterman for three years later.


The key clue to understanding the problem is "Handbook, Food and Food":


At the end of the year, Wu tyrannical repentance was given to His Highness, who was a rich man. He said: "I am responsible for this day's task, and I am responsible for the search of the land." He made Zhao a search for the land. He was a substitute for the land. He ordered the family to take care of the fields and teach the counties and the city of Yan. The cities behind him were the cities of Hedong, Hirono, San Xiang and the common people, so that they could take up their fields with little force and a lot of grain.


There is no doubt that in the end of the last two chapters, the western part of the river had drinking springs and Jang County (which may have been set up). The area covered by the settlement should be the perimeter area. The point is, why should the settlement be combined with the border counties? In addition to showing the special character and importance of the extended area, it is probably because the extended area did not previously belong to the county, but rather is a border military area with a special status.


This was pointed out by Zhang Chunki's theory of the construction age and expansion of the four counties west of the Hamde River, but was not valued in the past, and the point is enlightening:


Residential areas are concentrated in the city of Yan and the barrier. For a certain period of time, living in the city of Yan has a special status over the entire administration.... This place, which is listed alongside the city of Yan and the county of the border, and which has been presented alone, not only proves that the area of the settlement is an independent development, but also suggests that the city of Yan is the centre of the territory.


Another piece of evidence, namely, that the three years of the foregoing were held in the "Fountain of Liquor, Zhang Qin north, in a prolonged state and in a state of slaughter, was described as not belonging to Zhang Qing County.

張春樹又引居延漢簡213.28+213.44(勞圖36、37)推測居延縣設立的年代,該簡紀年為元康二年(64 B.C.),正面有「居延令勝之丞延年」,背面有「印曰居令延印」字樣,為當時已有居延縣的證據。張氏認為宣帝本始二年(72 B.C.),到該簡所記元康二年之間,為居延縣建置時間的上下限。因為〈宣帝紀〉載本始二年「凡五將軍,兵十五萬騎,校尉常惠持節護烏孫兵,咸擊匈奴」,造成「匈奴民衆死傷而去者,及畜產遠移死亡不可數勝。於是匈奴遂衰耗」,在此之後漢朝因應匈奴衰弱,應有所建置,張掖郡轄區擴大,將原來獨立於張掖郡外的「居延」納為轄縣,可能也在此時。並以居延漢簡16.10「張掖居延都尉」(勞圖303),為居延都尉被納入張掖郡轄下之證明,此簡據考屬元康五年(即神爵元年,61 B.C.),接近居延縣建立的時間。

Zhang’s spring tree, which led to Yanhan Jane’s 213.28 + 213.44 (Lutu 36, 37) postulates the construction of the city’s second year of residence (64 B.C.) on the face of the “Yanyan year of victory” with the symbol “Imprint of the residence order” on the back as evidence of the existence of the county at that time. Zhang’s vision of the Emperor’s 2nd year of residence (72 B.C.) and the construction of the time limit for the county’s capital’s 2nd year of residence (32 B.C., 37) on the back of Janhan’s 2nd year of residence is that of Yuan’s 2nd year of residence (64 B.C.), which, because the Emperor’s 2nd year of residence is known as “General 5’s, 150,000’s soldiers, and the Captain’s constant support of the army’s soldiers, and the killing of Hunu’s property, and the death of livestock from the far north.


As evidence of the above statement, Zhang Chunki also referred to the history of Lidun County, where "the special character and installation of Tammon" is no longer in front of the county, and the position of Tammon is changed as well. As in Hanson-Ghibashi, where the master is known to be "the Queen of Wines and Springs", Samin said that after six years of Qinjiang-Jin-Tian-Tyu did not want to be a Japanese captain, taught the field, used it as a tool, and made the name of the village.

不過,張春樹提出的證據仍須修正。其以簡16.10出現「張掖居延都尉」,時間考訂為宣帝「元康五年」(神爵元年),為目前所見居延都尉隸屬於張掖郡的最早紀錄。然而,居延漢簡所見「居延都尉」四字,有許多根本無法反映隸屬關係。當時都尉印章印文字數多為四或五字,前面幾乎不冠郡名,居延漢簡中關於居延都尉郵書的封泥文字紀錄,只見「居延都尉章」,不見「張掖居延都尉章」;印文紀錄以外,文書內容中的「張掖居延都尉」不多,無法找出年代分布上的次序,「居延都尉」又見於各個年代。換言之,漢簡中的都尉名稱前面若冠有郡名,誠屬此郡無疑,但前面沒有冠郡名的都尉名稱,卻不一定是獨立「都尉區」的都尉。是以儘管張文中所舉例子並無錯誤,卻無法依此在簡文中找出規律。再者,居延都尉遲至昭帝始元年間,便已設立。居延新簡E.P.S4.T2:12有「居延甲渠第卅七隧長」,紀年為「始元五年(82 B.C.)八月」,候官部隧前冠上「居延」,當指居延都尉無疑。

However, the evidence presented by Chun-yun is still subject to revision. It appears in Jane 16.10 as "Lieutenant Jandun", the first record of the present-held Yandun soldier in Zhang County. However, the four words "Lieutenant Yandun" in Yanhan Jane's book are not enough to reflect the slave relationship. At that time, they were stamped in more than four or five words, the names of almost no county before them, the names of Captain Yandun's seals in Yandun's postage were written in the name of "Lieutenant 5", and the names of Lieutenant Yandun's letters were written in the name of "Lieutenant", and there was no doubt in the name of "Lieutenant", but the names of the five-Lieutenants were not in the name of "Lieutenant", and the names of the two-Lieutes were not in the order of the ages.

再以居延縣的建置年代來說,有數條材料比張春樹認為的宣帝本始二年到元康二年之間,還要更早。如金關簡73E.J.T21:111載有始元二年(85 B.C.)的居延縣里:

At the time of Yanzhou’s construction, there are a number of materials that are much earlier than Zhang Chunki’s belief that the Emperor was from 2 years to 2 years in Yuankang.

□□候長居延西道里叔□年卅□ 始元二年五月辛未除見

## Long live Uncle Yanxidari ## year old ## May of the 2nd year of birth ##

居延漢簡65.7(勞圖1)是在居延縣製作的「出入六寸符」,紀年為始元七年(80 B.C.):

Younghan Jane 65.7 (Lutu 1) was produced as a "six-inch in and out" in the county of Yan. The year was seven years old (80 B.C.):


Seven years ago, six-inch coupons were moved from one to one thousand left.

官右移金關符合以從事 ?第八

The officer's right-hand transfer matches the 8th.

居延漢簡88.5(勞圖392)有「居延騎士」,紀年為元鳳四年(77 B.C.):

In Yoonhan Jane 88.5 (Lautu 392), there is a Knight in Yoon, who is four years old (77 B.C.):


Li Jong-ho, who killed his guest, Yang Yuanjun, died four years later.


此外,還應考慮到居延縣起初可能屬都尉所轄,後來隨「都尉區」一起併入張掖郡下。是故推估居延縣設立的時間,並不足以知道其與張掖郡的關係。居延前面冠以「張掖」、表明隸屬關係的簡牘,目前所見最早的紀年為宣帝時代。金關簡73E.J.T24:97有「張掖居延界中」,紀年為本始三年(71 B.C.);金關簡73E.J.T21:1有「馳行傳詣張掖居延」,紀年為元康元年(65 B.C.)。昭帝始元二年到宣帝本始三年,還有十幾年的時間,居延縣隸屬於張掖郡的時間上限是否可提早,有待更多簡牘材料檢證。

In addition, consideration should be given to the fact that Yan County may have been under the jurisdiction of the Governor in the first place, and then joined by the District of the Governor in Zhang County. It is therefore estimated that the time it has been set up in Yan County is not sufficient to know its relationship with Zhang County. It has been crowned with the name "Pang", which indicates the relationship between slaves, and that the earliest years of its existence are an imperial era.


Finally, it can be further argued that if you live in an autonomous military zone, or if you are a member of the Lieutenant-in-Chief.


General Lubod, a member of the Pingzhou people. He was well-placed by General Ping Dynasty on the right. After his death, Bod used Captain Volbo as General, breaking down the South Vietnamese and closing it for good. He lost his seat behind him.


In accordance with the "Hanshu. Xinggwu Xinjin's Table of Success", Lubod was sent to a residential area in the early part of the first year of life, probably for the first three years. Hanson Lee’s two-year tour of Li was carried out to "excercise 5,000 of his footmen" when he was ordered to serve as the highest commanding officer in the secure area. After the beginning of the first year, Lubod was written, at least since the beginning of the early years, to the naturality of the extended residential area in the middle of the year, but whether or not Lubod had become a military officer in charge of Lubod’s land. As far as he is concerned, Lubod is likely to be the chief of the army force, the chief of the Xin Dhuun, acting as the chief of the garrison, acting as the highest commander of the secure residential area.


From the above analysis, it can be deduced that, regardless of whether or not Lubod has ever been a resident of Yandu, the district of Yan is probably initially a military district, rather than a civil county. The term "Doubun district" will be used here to refer to the special area of military rule, transit, and independence, which is controlled by the dynasty; subsequently, the slave belongs to the general district of the county, which is known as the "territory of a dynasty" and is used as a separate area.


"Strong II, Chief of Staff of Sihan Zhang County"


If the initial commander of the district was a dynasty, it would be necessary to clarify the nature of the county dynasty and discuss the relationship between the dynasty and the dynasty of Zhang dynasty, which would help to determine further whether the dynasty was an independent “dou d'Air d'Airment” at the beginning of the construction.


In the case of a county, where there is only one dynasty, most of which is the county, and where the county's name is the governor, it is the county's governor, and the county's captain is the county's governor, and the county's captain is the county's captain, who is the governor of the county, who is the governor of the county, and who is the governor of the county, who is the governor of the county, who is the governor of the county, who is the governor of the village, who is the governor of the village, who is the governor of the village, who is the governor of the village, who is the governor of the village, who is the governor of the village, and who is the governor of the county, who is the governor of the county, who is the governor of the village.


It can be understood that if a county has only one dynasty and is known as a “county” with the same name as the county, and the Ministry, as a unit of geographical spaces, shows that a county is divided into a number of “departments” - the district of the dynasty, which is administered by several dynasty captains, who are also responsible for the duties of a dynasty officer, and who are therefore called the dynasty. Thus, the claims of the dynasty and the dynasty reflect the number of dynasty captains in a county.


However, it has been pointed out that the prefects of the prefects of the prefects of the prefects of the boroughs may “distribute the people” and say, “The prefects of the prefects of the boroughs or the prefects of the prefects of the boroughs do not rule the boroughs.” If he had originally set up the `Dou region' in the shantytowns of the shantytowns, it might even be possible to take the example of the `Dou captains rule the people of the dynasty'.


Han Wuty destroyed Korea, divided into four counties.... From the west of a single mountain, and from the east, seven counties, all the captains of the seven prefectures are the people. Then the governor of the province, who sealed his canals, has no patience.


In the language of the phrase "to the west of the mountain, to the west, to the east, to the west, to the west, to the west, to the west, to the west, to the west, to the west, to the west, to the east, to the west, to the west, to the east, to the west, to the west, to the west, to the east, to the west, to the west, to the east, to the west, to the west, to the east, to the west, to the west, to the east, to the east, to the west, to the west, to the west, to the east, to the west, to the east, to the west, to the east, to the west, to the west, to the east, to the west, to the east, to the west, to the west, to the west, to the east.


Zhou Zhenwu also referred to Wu Diming's behind-the-sheng county, where he ruled more than a dozen counties and a sub-county, which later turned into Viet Nam County and Shenli County. Shen Lil County became the western captain of Sheng County. Sheng County also became the northern lieutenant, and then Mansan County, and was restored to the north. Zhou Zhenwu revealed the character of "Captain Dynasty of the People":


At the border and in some parts of the interior, captains tend to rule with over-the-ground military and civilian regimes that manage a part of the territory on their own, also known as the dynasty, and become a de facto political district.... In the case of the dynasty, it is often the first call of the county, or the place of residence after the defunct county.


He also said:


In one district, the construction county was difficult and not well equipped, and it was attached to a county, with a captain. From then on, the district was attached to the county, creating a special phenomenon of separation and partial independence.


The above-mentioned special examples of the "Dou d'Etat rulers" are the few ethnic groups that run different clans according to the division of county guards and lieutenants, so that the relationship between the district and county, as well as the reprogramming of the district, is known. The changes in the district have not been recorded in the past. The following is a detailed description of the character and transformation of the county dynasty, as evidence of the original independence of the district.


The three counties under the jurisdiction of the Canton of Zhang Zhijing are named as the Dynasty: "Lieutenant Dou" in Shilese County, "Lieutenant dynasty" in Yuen County, "Yenzek is in the northeast, and Guwensa is considered to be a dynasty." The Dynasty of Yancheng, one of the northernmost, and one of the shoulder-dwellers on the south side, and, to a lesser extent, Zhang Dhu, Zhang Dynasty, and one of the farmers in the other system. The exclusion of the dynasty and the dynasty of Zhang Dynasty, under the jurisdiction of the county of Zhang Dynasty, is determined to be both the dynasty and the dynasty of the Dynasty.


The question is, what kind of dynasty is Captain Zhang of the "Girl Zesso Valley" and "Lieutenant Zhang" in Jane?


And when the Huns had taken refuge in Han Dynasty, they went straight to the county. And the three-dividing officers of Han Dhu, who had lived in Sec, were many hundreds of men, waiting for a long time. And only if they had given their lives in writing, they would have paid hundreds of men in the province, in order to be blessed by the sky.


What kind of trinity is this? When discussing the above-mentioned issue, it is important to refer to the fact that it belongs to the duke.


Zhang belongs to the Kingdom: the Warlord, who razed his Lord with barbarous force, led the five cities of Angry.


Zhang is a resident of the country: so Lieutenant of the county, who leads a county (city) when the Emperor is present.


This provides a clue as to why the shifu dynasty may later be transformed into a shifu dynasty. The Chen Dynasty first explained the issue on the basis of the brief material, while the Japanese scholar Kenzo Arikawa and the German scholar Jano continued to discuss it, and Jozig was able to discuss the issue in the field.


The Chen Dynasty, based on correspondence from Yanhan Jane, 74.25, 74.4, 103.17 (Lutu 69, 26, 135), determined that the location of the Chief Executive was in the south, which is supposed to be the "Captain of the County" in the Jasso Valley in Shilese County. Moreover, he objected to the view of the Lieutenant General Chen, who had the same status as his Chief of State, because there was "Lieutenant Zhang" and "Lieutenant of the Kingdom" and "Lieutenant of the Yangtze" and "Lieutenant of the Kingdom" (under the following terms: "Lieutenant of the Kingdom" and "Little of the Nation") were different.


The Chen Dynasty’s understanding of Zhang’s stay in China has influenced his assessment of the issue.


[History] Dr. Guangming made a promise.


## == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man


## Counting it by its ## ## as the book of the Lord to the Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Order ##


## The head of the martial arts school belongs to the Governor of the State Ministry of Agriculture ##

其中的「居延屬國部農都尉」,還有簡216.1(勞圖15)出現的「史告居延屬國部」殘文,陳夢家皆理解為「居延屬國(都尉)」、「部(都尉)」、「農都尉」等幾種不同的都尉。簡65.18的「[史]大夫廣明」應為昭、宣時期擔任「御史大夫」的「田廣明」,根據《漢書.百官公卿表》可知該簡的年代在昭帝元平元年(74 B.C.)到宣帝本始二年之間。陳夢家以此為西漢時已有「張掖居延屬國」都尉的證據,認定西漢時有治日勒的張掖都尉,也有張掖居延屬國都尉,等於否定張掖居延屬國都尉是「故郡都尉」的看法。《漢書.匈奴傳》載昭帝時,匈奴「入日勒、屋蘭、番和,張掖太守、屬國都尉發兵擊,大破之,得脫者數百人」,他也認為此處的屬國指張掖屬國和張掖居延屬國。

On the other hand, according to the book "Handor B.C.", Chen's family understood that he lived in the Kingdom between the first two years of the founding year of the Emperor (74 B.C.) and the second year of the Emperor's term of office. As a result, the family had evidence of the "Handan dynasty" in Sihan, and recognized that he had taken control of the city, and that he had taken control of the country, and that he had taken over the country, and that he had taken over the country, and that he had taken over the country's territory, and that he had taken over the country's territory.


However, the Chen Dynasty’s explanation of Jane 65.18 was questioned by the city’s triads, Kiyano, and Chusingu, among others, and all three scholars were opposed to Sihan’s claim that he was a resident of the country. The city’s triads first pointed to Chen’s error of the sentence of Jane 65.18 and argued that the “Ten Dynasty” was not necessarily a dynasty, and that it was not a dynasty, not a dynasty, but south of Zhang Dynasty, and that the ‘Ten dynasty’s name, “Wu Weiwei, Zhang Dynasty is a north-wester,’ and said that the “Ten Dynasty” had an important position in the middle of the war.


There are two types of pens that are written by the Secretary of State, namely, the State of Kuro, the State of the South, the State of the South, the State of the South, the State of the West, the State of the West, the State of the West, the State of the North, the State of the North, the City of the North, the State of the West, the State of the West, the State of the West, the State of the West, the State of the West, the State of the West, the State of the South, the State of the South, the State of the South, the State of the West, the State of the West, the State of the West, the State of the West, the State of the North, the State of the North, the State of the North, the State of the West.


This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Protests 2011.


From the records elsewhere in the Han Book, it is known that "geographicalism" is not complete for the nation, and that the Chief of Staff of the city, as he said, is a lieutenant of the country, not impossible, but unconvinced.


In response to the lack of record in Jane's book, he argues that Jane's "Lieutenant Zhang" is the omission of "Lieutenant Zhang" in the Indo-language version, which was pointed out by Juano.


Captain Zhang Jingdu.


I'll be waiting for you in the mail line.


I'm sorry, I've been here for a long time.


The pawn may be the pawn of Captain Zhang, but he may also be the pawn of the shoulder-dwelling officer-in-charge of the shoulder-dwelling officer-in-charge, and it would be inappropriate to judge the proximity of Captain Zhang and the shoulder-dwelling area and to deduce whether he is a dutiful dynasty. Moreover, according to Kim Dynasty 73E.J.T24:26, there are "three of them" and "a shoulder-dwelling officer-in-charge", proving that they were present at the same time, and that neither of them could be justified by the fact that neither of them was responsible for the attack of Captain Zhang Dyu.


On the other hand, it is likely that one of the two captains of the county may have only one of them for a certain period of time. It is possible that there are at least four of the captains of the county, the captain of the county, and the captain of the county, who may have jointly divided the zone: the captain of the prefecture and the shoulder, Captain Zhang (the captain of the county, who may later have become the captain of the county), the captain of the county, who may have been set up for about six years, and the captain of the county. One of the second captains of the district may have only one of the captains of the district at some point in time.


Thus, Captain Zhang, a so-called "Death Captain" who was more than an emperor, may exclude Captain Zhang from his residence, shoulder water, and 3rd of his possession, after all, being closer to and more likely to be called the Chief of Staff. He is more likely to be built than he has seen in the literature, and must be more cautious if he is to be dedicated in the scriptures.


Most importantly, scholars have pointed out that the sentence of Jane 65.18 should be changed to "Capt. Yan, who belongs to the State, the Ministry, the Ministry, and the Farmers," but how should it be explained that Captain Yindu's exclusive listing, which is not included in the rank and file? As noted above, 65.18 was an important piece of evidence of the "Dou Dynasty" that was unique between the first two years in the first millennium and the beginning of the Emperor's life. Although the book is lacking, it is known that the order of Hantin was observed three years after the beginning and later in the first three years after the beginning of the term.


An example of this is Jane 216.1, whose cruel words, "History is a part of the Ministry" and "Lieutenant" are different from "Lieutenant" (Lieutenant). This is an incorruptible year, but of the ten remaining shorts of the 216 packages, 216.3 and 216.7 are older than the six-year and six-year-olds, which coincide with the three-year anniversary of the proclamation of the Emperor, and probably the first 216.1 years of the same package.


In the same way, the order was sent to Zhang County from the capital's Prime Minister, where Jane 10.32 (Lautu 28) is very similar to the text 65.18, but where the author is slightly different, he became a “national, agricultural, provincial, provincial, county officer.” At that time, the Yank district was already under the jurisdiction of Zhang County, where the order was to be transferred to the other prefectures without being singled out. The five-year period was also a time when Zhang Junkang thought it was 16.10 “Lieutenant Yandu” who could describe the relationship between slaves.


Finally, it should be pointed out that the concept of an independent "duke" does not in fact qualify it to be administered by a minister, that is to say, the commander of the "dukeship" is not necessarily a resident of Yandu. First, Ljubodun was a missionary measure that was needed to protect the extended area of Lubodton, which was gradually transformed into a permanent department. Jane 65.18’s “extension of martial arts schools” also seemed to be mission-oriented.


In addition, the Prefectural District, which was originally an independent district, appears to be different from several of the Prefectural Districts, such as the Prefectural Districts of Lei Weiwei and Xing County. The Prefects of the Prefectural County and the Prefectural County, who ruled over the people, are still well-known; the Prefectural District is likely to remain separate from Zhang Jian County when it is too late to be declared.


iii, > > > > > > > > > > > > > >. > > > >


From these assumptions, it is clear that “residence” does not necessarily refer to a county, and that “residentship” was initially not intended to refer to a county but to the centre of the border military zone. The multiplicity of meanings of “city” reflects the multiplicity of functions and changes in the military hierarchy.


The city is often called the "county" in Hanson's "George," as the three states of Schofang County are known as "the city of Wujing for three years" and "the city of Wujing for five years" in the case of Hanson's "George" and "the city" in the case of "Hunshu. The city is associated with the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the province of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the city of the capital of the capital of the capital of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Democratic Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Democratic Republic of the Republic of the Democratic Republic of the Republic of the Democratic


Construction of a city or two, drawing up a certain area of the county, was followed by the construction of a new city in the county, the development of a field and the installation of a new county.


But the county is not a short time, and the first city built by the Han army and its limits of control is the so-called military zone (possibly a "diploma" zone). Every military zone is in the pre-establishment phase of a county.


As mentioned earlier, Wuwei County should not have been set up when the Emperor was present in Wuwei, and it should have been set up in the early three years to "promoted 180,000 wines, Zhang Qin north, settled and slaughtered for the sake of wine". From the beginning of the city, there was Wuwei County, and from the point of view of the note "Norwes has ruled the city", it is likely that the massacre was initially also a military area administered by the Chiefs, which is a separate area of the Districts.


It is also necessary to elaborate on the relationship between the city of Yan and the cover that was originally built. Raúl believes that the site of the city of Yan, which is the site of today’s Black City, is covered by the site of the city of Yan. Looking at the site of the region today, there may be a large city, or a large city, which may be an isolated defense. However, if one or two ponds are not able to detect the location of the city, the protection of the city is limited. From the site of the city today, it is not simply the city of Yan itself. The building of the city of Lubote should not be limited to the site of the city of Yan, but not only to the site of the city itself.


According to "Hanhu Li Mae", the Governor of the capital also has "the city" such as Wu Wei, "the town of the north of the country" and "the town of the north of the country", which is known as "the city of the city" as the "the city of the capital" and may be regarded as a "the city of the city" by Wu Wei, "the city of the capital of the capital" as not necessarily a small city, but the city of the west as the capital of the capital of the capital and the city of the capital of the capital as the city of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital of the north of the country.


In the second year of Han Hae-hyun's work, Li has volunteered to fight with a small number of men and 5,000 infantry soldiers in the courthouse, and Wu-yeung's "September release, covering up" is followed by the death and injury of Li's soldiers and the use of arrows:


(Li Mahal) raised the soldiers' mouths twice, and half of the ice remained between them. At night and a half, the drumming of the musicians kept them silent. The mausoleum came to the horse every year, and there were more than 10 strong men. In many thousands of pursuits, the Koreans died in battle. He said: "No face, Your Majesty!" fell down. The soldiers were scattered, displacing to more than four hundred of the Qats.


Li will be defeated by the soldiers, and the location of the soldiers will be masked as an important military point in the front line. Before Li is taken out, Wudi "Lu Bod will be part of the army" and Lubod may be protected, rather than in the city of Yeon. Moreover, the word "Se" in Yanhanjan is used to refer to the "zone" built by the walls of the city, which is described as a "defensible area" in the plains as being called "deposit" and "defensible" in the plains, which refers to the area of defence of the Khans, which is covered by "declare" and "provement" in the north.


In addition, it is unclear whether Yanhan Jane 401.7B has a "shadow" (Lautu 104) or a "shadow" in the history book. It is not clear that the original word is written in the original form. In Yanhan Jane, there is a "left cover" (Lautu 166), the word "waiting" may be a misunderstanding of the "East" because there is very little information on it, whether there is a "shield" or a "shield" or a "shield", perhaps because the name of the "shield" has been changed to the same name as that of the owner. In response to the above-mentioned statement, there is no "hiding" or "hudling" in the Yanhanjane, and the "huding" of the "hub" and the "buddling" and the "buldling" of the commanding officers, and the "buldling" and the "buldling" of the commanding officers, and the "deepling of the water" may be used to keep the distance from the original positions.


Together, according to the " Geography ", the city of Yan is, at some point, the city of Yandu, which is the capital of Yandu, one of which is one of three; and the material showing the difference between the city of Yan and that of Yandu, which represents a different period of time when it is related to the situation of Han and Hungary and to the evolution of borders. The city of Yan and the city of Cemetery were originally used as centres of command in the border military area, and then became the governor of the county, reflecting a shift in the functioning of the city pool and its military district.


>, Summing up: talk about the Handai Riverway


The relationship between the development of the settlement area and the transformation of the border between Zhang Qing County can be seen in general terms. From the first six years of the Wu Emperor's life, the first three years of its existence have seen the extension of the jurisdiction of Zhang Qi County to the north, and the extension of the territory under the jurisdiction of the Tung Dynasty to the bottom of its county boundaries.


Table III "Advanced" construction-related memoirs

武帝元狩二年(121 B.C.)

2 years of martial arts (121 B.C.)


“Hu’an (Hu’ab) is sick and sick, and has given refuge to him, and he is young, and has fought against the mountains, and has raised up his might.” And this is the town of Zhang’s city today, and it is not the neighbourhood of Yazawa.

武帝元鼎六年(111 B.C.)

Six years of martial arts (111 B.C.)


Zhang Jingli County.

武帝元封年間(110-105 B.C.)

Year of martial arts (110-105 B.C.)


"Li Mahe will ride 800 miles deep into the Huns for more than 2,000 years, over-dwelling into the topography, disappearing from the topography, and still living in the area of Yanze but still outside the Han Dynasty and Zhang Dynasty."

武帝太初三年(102 B.C.)

In the first three years of Wu dynasty (102 B.C.)


"I'll give you 180,000 wine springs, and Zhang north, and I'll put them to rest, and I'll slaughter them." "Lou Bod was built on Yanze." "I'll take a map of the Han Dynasty in the Yank district, but it's not under the jurisdiction of Zhang County.


The last year of Wudang.

(征和四年,89 B.C.)

(According to four years, 89 B.C.)


"Search Zhao as a search for Yudun. It is a land of three and a land of three, and it is a land of three and a land of three, and it is ordered to be a land of three provinces, and to teach the counties and the city of Yan." In the last year, the Yangtze district was joined by other counties, but it is still not one of Zhang's counties.

昭帝始元年間(86-80 B.C.)

In the early years of Zhao Emperor (86-80 B.C.)


By that time, Captain Yandu (five years) and Yan county (two years) had been occupied.

昭帝元平元年至宣帝本始二年間(74-72 B.C.)

In the two years between U.S.H.I.E.K. and the beginning of the Emperor (74-72 B.C.)


Jianhan Jang's 65.18 proves that he is still not a member of the Lt. Zhang.

宣帝本始三年至元康五年間(71-61 B.C.)

From the beginning of the Emperor's life to the fifth year of Yuankang (71-61 B.C.)


At that time, Captain Yandu (Juankang V) and Yan County (three years from now) had been held in Zhang Jian County, where the border had been extended to a further north border area of Yanze.


It is possible to add that, from the third point of view, it is reasonable for Captain Yandu to live earlier in Yanzhou or the same time, except for the fact that there is currently no mention of the earlier years of Lieutenant Yandu’s existence in Jane’s book, or of his slave in Zhang Jing County, rather than in Yan County. Moreover, the time of the construction of the Governor’s residence and the time of his admission into Zhang Jing County, which has not been settled there, is close to the time of the construction of the Governor’s residence, and the likelihood that there will be an extension of the Governor’s residence at the beginning of the construction or later.

此外,亦可檢視肩水都尉何時隸屬於張掖郡。金關簡73E.J.T24:244「本始元年」(73 B.C.)紀年簡有「張掖肩水廣地候」,為目前所見最早的年代。目前所見居延都尉隸屬張掖郡的時間稍晚於肩水都尉,從兩個地區與張掖太守府距離的遠近言之,居延理當不早於肩水或兩者同時。

In addition, it is possible to examine when the shoulder-water dynasty belongs to Zhang County. The Golden Jane 73E.J.T24:244 "The First Year" (73 B.C.) has a short "one shoulder-water waiter" for the earliest years to come. At present, it is observed that Captain Yandu, who belongs to Zhang dynasty, spends a little later than Captain Zhang Dynasty, speaking from a distance between the two districts and Zhang Tai's residence, to stay longer than the shoulder water or at the same time.


From figure V, figure VI, and figure VII, it is known that the Han Army has built up several suburban areas on the back of the weak waters, from upstream to downstream. According to Tanto, in the late days of Sihan, the weak part of the river was drawn into the district of the birch spring county in the north and east in the district of the river, and Zhang Xi County was cut off from the center. However, from the construction and development of the river, the extended area did not initially belong to the district of Zhang Chai, i.e., there was no weak water in the region, and the riverway was drawn from the upper to the lower part of the river to the district of the birch district in the south.


In addition, in the first three years, Zhang County was established, not north of the fountain, but north of the fountain, where both the extended and the slaughter were said to be geographically secure. If the lack of control of the waterway was initially vested in the county, it would be reasonable to communicate with the northern district of Yandu. If so, the lack of control of the water lanes, which had been established for the purpose of protecting the town of Yandu, had the massacre not been established north of the fountain, and north of the river, the prolonged and the slaughter had not been justified in order to protect the area of the water spring.

從居延漢簡E.P.T26:25、E.P.T65:23A、156.4(勞圖170)等簡文中的「輔平居成」,可知在王莽時居延屬酒泉郡,居延地區與酒泉的關係,可能比一般認為的更為密切。肩水地區情況如何,目前尚無材料。值得一提的是酒泉市肅州區博物館中,展示一枚成帝「建始三年」(30 B.C.)的紀年簡:

In the shorts of E.P.T. 26:25, E.P.T. 65:23A, 156.4 (Lutu 170), it is clear that the relationship between the area of Yan and the wine fountain may be closer than is generally thought to be when the King is reckless. The situation in the silo area is not yet known.


In November of the third year of the Liquor Spring settlement (Figure VIII)


If there is a warehouse in Yanhan, but it is not under a drinking pool, it is difficult to understand why it is not run by Zhang County. Is there another system for managing the warehouse that can cross several counties, with no connection to the county in which the administration is located? If there is a joint military operation in Zhang County, there is no problem, there is no evidence of the presence of a slave in any material. If there is a warehouse in Yanhan, but it is not under a drinking pool, it is difficult to understand why it is not managed by Zhang County. If there is another system for managing the warehouse, there is no connection between the county and the county in which the administration is located, there is no connection between the county in question and the county in which the administration is located?


Moreover, in the late West Han, which has an important value on the border, weak water may be managed by several dynasty divisions, rather than by drinking fountains and northern dynasties. Although the dynasty may be a remote area, as Yemhanjan has revealed, the dynasty of the dynasty may well be completely separated from the area of the dynasty, but it is possible that the dynasty of the dynasty may be separate from the area where the dynasty is administered. The other may be the dynasty of the dynasty, where the dynasty of the dynasty is responsible for the military, and the dynasty of the dynasty, where the dynasty of the dynasty is more secure than the rest of the territory, the jurisdiction of the dynasty may not necessarily overlap.


The distance from the north and the isolation of the environment, as well as the separation of several prefectures from Zhang Jing County, and the lack of authority over the whole of the weak riverway, all contribute to the special and high degree of independence of the area. After the middle of the term, the area seems to remain somewhat isolated.


In February of this year, he was transferred to the county to protect He Jin and order him to kill him.


Li Wei King City is under the law.

此簡雖無紀年,但兩漢之世符合「二月壬午朔」的年代,只有西漢武帝元朔元年、元帝建昭四年與東漢明帝永平二年。該簡出現金城、武威兩郡,為宣帝以後置,故可排除元朔元年,該簡的年代當在元帝建昭四年(35 B.C.)以後。簡文中「居延」與其他郡名並稱,較可能指都尉而非縣。不省略「居延」直接寫「張掖」,反特意強調居延部都尉的轄界。又漢代西北邊境的屬國多以郡名稱之,「張掖居延屬國」卻以「居延」名之。居延地區即便後來納入張掖郡轄下,在邊境似乎仍有特殊的地位。

Although this is an ageless one, the two-man world is in line with the year of February’s midday syllables, with only West Hanwuji’s first year, the first four years of its founding and the second year of East Han Myungping’s life. The appearance of the counties of Kim and Wu Wei, after the Emperor’s appointment, precludes the New Year’s anniversary, when, after the Emperor’s first four years (35 B.C.) was established, the term “extension” and other county names may refer to the governor rather than the governor.


Finally, there should be some discussion about the state of Han Dynasty, which was built in an extended area, and about the state of Han Dynasty, which has been in place for two years. It is not clear whether, as a result, both the country's dynasty and the provinces' dynasties may be in charge of the land originally belonging to the diaspora, and whether the inhabitants of Zhang dynasty should be in charge of the land, and how many of the inhabitants of the dynasty have been inhabiting the dynasty; and what kind of land under which Han dynasty would be in the dynasty, where Han dynasty would be in the dynasty, or even the dynasty of the dynasty. It is clear whether the dynasty of the dynasty and the dynasty would be in the dynasty of the dynasty, whether the dynasty of the dynasty would be in the dynasty, and whether the dynasty of the dynasty would be in the dynasty of the dynasty, and the dynasty of the dynasty.












According to historical contributions and brief material, the Handei administration is complicated, and border areas in the border counties tend to move along with the external situation. As in the case of Handee's North East border, "Sun-making" is a special example: "Hanshu.Huns":


Han took the south part of the river, built the plan, and became entrenched by the river when he returned to his Qin. Han also abandoned the village of Doo-doo in order to make the sun. He was two years old.


Mengang said, "The county is in a state of disarray." The master said, "Truth, never." And those who enter into the Hundred realms of the county struggles, among them the sun." And said:


Even though it's in the middle of the river, it's built in the North of the Sun for more than 900 miles.

後來的《漢書.地理志》中,上谷郡轄下沒有造陽縣。元朔二年(127 B.C.)時,漢朝為了利於防禦,放棄原有的造陽,確立該段的邊界。

Then, in "Hanshu. Geography," there is no Sun County under Upper Valley County. During the second year (127 B.C.), Han Dynasty gave up the original sun to defend itself and set the boundaries of the area.


The same is true of the borders of the four counties of the river, where many scholars have pointed to possible changes in the past. Japan’s husband has proposed “Handsi County” in the western part of the river at the time of Wujing; Hu Binh, Zhang Defang and Zhang Xihan thought that the Governor of the county might be in Tsang Wu County in the middle of the year, as the case was made in the case of “Geozhi” ; and, as previously mentioned, in the case of Han Zhaotung, “King City County” in the first six years of the year, which had been known to have taken water, Xingsi and Zhang Jing County in the first two counties, which were originally part of his county, and which was later drawn into the county of the town of Kim City; in the case of “Standing Up” in the text, which also confirmed the King’s reckless stay in Liquor Spring County; and in the case of Yanhan Jane Janhan, where the Chief of the State (L.412), who suspected the existence of the Qing Water County of the former Queen, 73E.J.T23:67, which has recently appeared, which has also appeared, has been known as the – without any other material of the [hand], there.


It may be a model of Handea’s outreach, or it may re-examine some of the names in the essays, such as the “Handsi” discussed by Japan’s husband, and the “dwelling” as the starting point for Han towards the western part of the river.


And the martial arts razed and spread over the land, and the North and the Huns, and the West, and the Nadu River, and the Shatt al-Sharif.


It is possible to consider whether, in addition to treating "Handsi" and "Deputy" as generic names, or county or county names, they may be similar to the "Doubs" for extended periods of time, as an unsettled, sub-state-standard, over-exploitation facility.


With the establishment of the Qin Empire, the role of the Qin Han Empire has evolved from a strong military character to a local administrative organization. When Hande is on the edge of the border, due to the particular circumstances of the new territory, there is a need to set up a military area like the former Queens, which is a transitory area, such as the Prefectural District.


This paper does not purposely orientate the exact location of Han Dynasty’s “residential city” but looks forward to identifying the two administrative zones that have been neglected by the Institute in the past – the variation and normality of time. The military organization in Han Dynasty has its special features, except for the fact that there are more lieutenants in the county, the existence of a defensive system, and all construction and mapping have been altered by the state of the border’s war situation and diplomatic strategy. In addition to providing a large amount of local and contemporary first-hand information, the U.N. Jane’s own time spans from West Hanwu to East Han’s late stages, it is feared that he will ignore the time-changing evolution of Han towards the West River.


He pointed out that Han is expanding and operating at different stages in the western part of the river: it was initially led by the military, and the situation was stabilized before moving gradually to a county. Liquor Springs and Zhang were the first two counties in the western part of the river, while the dung and the dynasty were initially the frontlines of the western and northern parts of the river, as separate military zones, as well as as the development of the military zones outside the county, which were built under the county’s umbrella, and which became even larger and more isolated than one county. The view of the spring tree brought a lot of resonance, pointing out that the "Hanshu, geography" of the county and dynasty, which had been presented in the district, was the only time of the late Xihan, and that such a quiet and well-recorded writing would make it easier to ignore the dramatic changes in the geography and administration of the country at that time.

附錄 懸而未決──「居延城」址的推定

undecided - presumption of residence in Yeon City


The academic community estimates the basis for the location of the "resident city" site, i.e., the ancestral contribution, i.e. the brief material, and iii. the site itself and its surroundings. As stated in chapter IV here, the term "resident city" has different functions at different times, initially as a military dynasty, and then as a stable county, the two roles may coexist. Thus, the rationale and the narrative used by scholars when they mark the "resident city" site reflects their knowledge and imagination of the role of the city.


After more and more visits to the local reality survey, it is more common to say that Yan County has a site at K710 and the capital residence at K688 (see table 1 for the preamble). In addition, Li’s “Green City Says” has its influence.

圖九Google Earth 中所見的綠城遺址

The site of the Green City, as seen in in Figure IX Google Earth


Lee, who directly treats the city as the city of Yan as the city of Yan, is based on the size of other sites in the city of Hamde, where the wall of the city is currently found to be no more than 800 metres long, identifies the city as approximately 1,200 metres long, and where the archaeology floor is the green city of the Hande culture. The location of the city is broadly similar to the distance recorded. However, it is extremely rare in the city of Hamde (see figure 9). However, it is difficult to say whether the size of the city’s pool is consistent with the general situation, given the fact that the length of the city is the front line of the bordering county, the landscape surrounding the desert, and the circumstances of the landscape and the periphery.


In addition to the relative location and distance of the city’s site, and its scale, the surroundings of the city are also a major consideration for scholars.


K710: “Only an isolated city, within a range of tens of miles, there is no defence or communication transmission, far from the north, the canals and the wells of which it is in charge......... are not in line with the demands of military intervention.”


K688: "There is much strength in its geographical location and in its defence facilities, its northern and southern wings are equipped with thugs, and the Icken River in the east is easy to draw water, and its landings are easy."


The group of Xue Ying also supports these observations.


The cities of K710 and K688 are located in the northern part of the oasis, and also in the northern part of the oasis, under the influence of drifting sand. Natural conditions and farming conditions are less favourable or suitable for county locations....The green city is located on a more open platform, with sand dunes surrounding it. There is a large area of abandoned land between the dunes, which is about 60 square kilometres, far above K710 and K688, and is the largest in the inner half of the oasis. The fields are the most flat, the most dense, the most concentrated, and the building sites are the most concentrated, and the most likely to be located here as an extended city in the centre of the dynasty.... As far as the cities of K710 and K688 are concerned, the two cities are considered to be the castle for military purposes.


In contrast, in the Green City, south of the Yuen oasis, south of the ancient weak waterway, K710 and K688 are located northwards (on the north bank of the ancient weak waterway, see figure I). The city is smaller in size, the peri-urban area and the cropland are smaller, and the military use of the city pool is more obvious.


Green City says that in both its geographical location, the size of its sites, the surrounding environment, the advantages of its territory, and the distance it has from its host officials (27.99 km) and its archaeology years, it seems to be consistent with the condition of the city. The archaeology of its foundations, even as early as the west of the city, should have its geographical and natural features, and it should have been active since the beginning. However, there are not many sites around Green City, and the vast expanse of the site, which raises questions as to whether it is indeed an expansive part of the long-situation area.


However, later generations moved south because of desertification on the northern side of Green State, which did not represent Han Dynasty’s presence on the southern side of Green State. The site of Green City has been confirmed as having Hande’s cultural layers, and in recent years more learned people have found BJ2008 on the north-east side of Green City, the city’s wall is about 550 metres south of Green State, where Hande’s remains have been found (see figure I). The southern part of Green State should have seen that there was already a lot of titanium activity on the south side of Hande State.

不過,綠城說仍有未能解決的問題:根據〈額濟納古代遺址測量工作簡報〉和〈居延綠城及周圍遺存的考古學觀察〉,綠城遺址中雖有漢代考古文化層,也出土不少漢代墓葬與文物,但今日所見的城牆,只有部分確定是漢代的。K710相較之下,雖然城址規模較小,位置較封閉偏遠,但是城牆年代一致,城內格局也較清楚,有道路的痕跡、排水設施、窯址、疑似鍛冶工坊的遺留,加上散布各處的漢代磚瓦陶片,故至今仍有許多學者支持K710就是居延縣城。另外,K710與K688城址兩者格局相仿,鄰近烽隧線,軍事特性較濃厚。尤其是K688比K710更接近西北邊前線,年代也較早,且吳礽驤調查後發現K688東側有的大片城牆遺跡與建築群,從其所處的位置、城址規模和其周邊烽隧佈局看來,K688應與A35肩水都尉府一樣,為軍事要地。故不排除K688可能在較早的階段作為都尉駐防所在,或許就是文獻中的遮虜鄣。 K710為較早期的居延縣城也不無可能。

However, Green City says that there are still unresolved problems: according to an overview of the Guennah site measurements and archaeology observations of the city and its surroundings, the sites of the Green City, although they contain Handee archaeology, are still buried in Handea tombs and cultural objects, today only some of the walls seen are certain to be Handee. K710, in contrast to K710, is located in a smaller and more remote location, but the walls of the city are similar to that of K688, and the internal patterns of the city are clearer. In particular, K688 is closer to K710 than the early northwest front, the remains of the suspected mill, plus the Handei tiwato pieces, are still supported by many academics in K710 is located in the city.


From the above discussion, it is clear that there is a difference in their understanding of the city: as discussed in the foreword, the report on the investigation of the site of the Hamde site in the Lower Jinnah River, which considers the location of the city from the perspective of the Governor's office, is supported by a brief description of the city, which seems to suggest that the capital city is in the county; and Lee, who believes that K688 and K710 may be used for military purposes, is located in the green city on the south side of the county. These observations, however, are not entirely contradictory, and point to possible developments in different parts of the region.


On the other hand, the location where the Han generation has not yet been found, and where the Han generation has built a large number of well-defined ponds, it is feared that there will not be more than one. In the early days of the construction of each city, there will be no more than one. In the early days of the construction of each city, there may also be different locations for different levels of authority (director, district order, residence), with their respective functions and defences. On the other hand, the location where you are standing is easier and will not be isolated.

本文為作者碩士學位論文(臺灣大學,2014年),原載《史原》復刊5期,總26期,2014年9月,頁1 - 115。因微信平台字數所限,文章推送時分為上、下,同時略去注釋,引用時請核對原文。

>, author of a bachelor's degree dissertation (Taiwan University, 2014), originally reprinted in 5 issues of Hispan, 26 issues, September 2014, pp. 1 - 115. due to the number of words in the micro-letter platform, the article is sent up and down, is posted at the same time, and please check the original text when quoted.

感謝作者授權發佈 編輯:李凱凱






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