The article analyses the conceptual features, value features and eight applications of the current pattern in the area of block chains.
The concept of the recent block chain has been rife under the frenzy of the capital man, and, as the year of the dog barks, both “real” and “false”, it has caused millions of Internet citizens to share their sleeplessness and frenzy.
After the brutal growth of the “block chain plus” projects, today, in addition to the skyscrapers of the “two meetings”, the press has to work hard for this distraught “twig”...
所谓起大早赶晚集,2015年,就有德勤工作的朋友和笔者分析过关于区块链的运营理念,德勤也是目前这方面布局最好的企业之一,可惜笔者鼠目寸光当时去做了All In AR的创业项目,真是错失良机。
In 2015, there were friends and pens working hard to analyze the concept of how to operate the block chain. Deloitte was also one of the best companies in the field, and it was a lost opportunity for me to do all-in-Ar's start-up project.
It was not until recently that the block chain was re-evaluated and combed, that attempts were made to strip the block chain of media and technology, extract core features and analyse the basic concepts of the block chain industry from the perspective of a single operator.
Since block chain technology is immature and difficult to understand, it is difficult for me to understand that various block chain terminology can be interpreted by analogy. However, with regard to the thousands of people involved in block chain technology, especially the recent emergence of a genuinely false ICO project, it is the quick clarification of the concept that no “celebrities” should be made.
The block chain concept stems from the digital currency bitcoin, so it is easy to understand why the most widely applied areas are finance and finance. Because of their technological characteristics, the Internet’s financial investment industry has created today’s fires, and the bitcoin algorithms are the result of a combination of technologies, and for most of our non-technical operators there is no need to delve into technical algorithms.
And the technology-sharing article on block chains is more like a picture-sharing article for blind people. In fact, for operators, understanding the most important characteristics of block chains is enough. The most important features of block chains are only two, and operating rules are transparent and technologically stable.
Because of the transparency of its operating rules, early projects in the block chain have taken the form of non-operational and participatory projects.
The typical case is Bitcoin, whose market value from 2009 to the present is close to $200 billion, but where there is no traditional corporate form or operator, and even where the wisdom is sacred among the founders, is today a mystery; because its technology is more stable than the technological architecture built by almost all institutions, it has grown into the hottest industry.
Driven by the capital masters, the financial scene began to expand rapidly from its earliest stage, and it can be predicted that the chain of blocks will occur in the near future in more business scenes, where most of the “celebrities” are profiteers and not part of the chain. If it is assumed that the future is an “era of block chains,” then let us imagine that the future will be decentralized without running.
Without companies, without institutions or even without a central form of State, all of us are on their own to become productive contributors to a certain location, living, entertaining, working and learning under a set of rules of automated collaboration... This idealized world is now far from us. Before that, we could not imagine that the chain of blocks now gives us a space that can be “imaginable” — even in the world of Bitcoin — and that has already taken place in reality.
- 共识机制,打个比喻就是一群人共同玩同一个游戏,每个人都可以在线观看,但同时间只能一个人玩,所以,所有大家需要一套规则来竞争玩游戏的权限和顺序,这套大家共同认可的规则就是共识机制。
- 分布式系统,游戏开始后,当玩家根据规则竞争到权限,玩游戏获得的回报就是代币,游戏进度存档就是区块,然后游戏进度存档会自动分发给所有玩家,第二个获取权限的玩家在上一个存档的基础上继续,如此循环往复。游戏系统越来越大,存档越来越多,获得回报越来越难,因此,区块链游戏的早期玩家优势明显。
基于以上区块链系统的核心玩法, 得出结论就是凡是基于共识机制规则设计通过智能合约验证的分布式系统项目都可以叫做区块链项目,源自区块链项目上面的虚拟货币发行,就是ICO。 Based on the core game of the block chain system above, it was concluded that any distributed system project designed on the basis of the consensus mechanism rules and validated by an intelligent contract could be called the block chain project, derived from the virtual currency distribution above the block chain project, i.e. the ICO. 因为区块链运行规则高度透明,所以区块链项目在发布以后就进入自运转状态,这套去中心化的自运转系统从发布的那一刻起,理论上就不再属于任何人和任何团队,并且无法单方面停止运行和修改。所以区块链项目可以一定程度上做到对某些领域的运营替代,或者是对一个领域中的某些环节的运营替代。 Because of the high degree of transparency in the rules governing the operation of the block chain, the block chain project became self-functional once it was released, and the decentralised self-functioning system was no longer, in theory, anyone and any team from the moment it was released, and could not be unilaterally stopped or modified. The block chain project could, to some extent, be a substitute for operations in some areas, or for some links in one area. 总结区块链大约有不可篡改、可溯源、数据永远保存、全程追索等特性,那么这些特性对于我们来说有什么应用价值呢。 To sum up the blocks chain is characterized by characteristics such as immutable, traceability, data preservation for all time, and recourse for all of us, so what is the value of these features for us? 效率的指数级提升是区块链的一个最明显价值特征,区块链上信息共享、规则透明,在协作中可做到效率最大化,只需提供一个共享目标,便可自动运作。一旦应用便是整个领域或者局部领域的完全性替代,而非简单的优化。 An exponential upgrading of efficiency is one of the most obvious value features of the block chain, where information-sharing, transparency of rules and collaboration can maximize efficiency and function automatically by providing a shared goal. Once applied, it is the complete replacement of the whole field or local area, rather than simple optimization. 因为区块链是自动化的公平的协作链,所以,区块链上的角色分配,除了原始系统的开发设计者外,在这种公平的环境下区块链上的玩家只有一种角色,那就是生产者。各个生产者通过节点之间的区块广播与其他生产者进行工作同步。 Because the block chain is an automated and equitable collaboration chain, the role of the block chain is assigned to the player in the block chain in this equitable environment, in addition to the designers of the original system, which is the producer. Each producer synchronizes its work with that of the other producers by broadcasting the block between nodes. 区块链的不可篡改以及可溯源特性,让安全成为另一个明显的价值特征。我们前面提到的分布式系统本身的技术运行稳定特性可保障数据的永久保存,可溯源、可追索保障数据的安全,公钥、私钥保障数据信息的安全。所以,区块链可以称作当下最稳定最安全的技术。 The indeterminable and retrospective nature of the block chain makes security another obvious value feature. The technical operation of the distributed system itself, as we mentioned earlier, guarantees the permanent preservation of data, the security of traceable, traceable data, the security of public and private keys, and the security of data information. So, the block chain can be called the most stable and secure technology at the moment. 区块链不仅概念火爆,在当下已经有很多领域应用,相信不久的将来,我们可以切实体会到区块链带来的便利。虽说当下区块链技术还很不完善,对区块链的评价也是褒贬不一,这和每一次新兴技术革命的早期境况都非常类似。 Not only is the block chain hotly conceived, it is already being applied in many areas, and it is believed that, in the near future, we can cut the facilities that entities can bring to the block chain. While the technology of the lower block chain is still far from perfect, the evaluation of the block chain is mixed, which is very similar to the early stages of every emerging technological revolution. 对于我们来说,更多的应该思考把区块链的效率、生产及安全等价值特征落地应用在我们当下的场景中,以及调整自己适应区块链技术变革所带来的思维转变,下面罗列一些当下应用模式相对清晰的区块链领域供大家参考。 For us, more thought should be given to the application of the value features of block chains, such as efficiency, production and security, to the current landscape and to adapting ourselves to the changes in technology in block chains. The following are some of the areas of block chains where the current application model is relatively clear. 我们本篇分析了区块链领域的概念特性、价值特征和当下模式已经非常清晰的8个应用场景,而对于区块链的应用目前有两派截然相反的观点和主张,一种是热情拥抱,一种是抵制排斥。 In this chapter, we have analysed eight application scenarios in the area of the block chain, which are already very clear in terms of their conceptual characteristics, value characteristics and current patterns, while there are currently opposing views and ideas on the application of the block chain, one of which is a warm embrace and one of which is the rejection of exclusion. 个人认为区块链是一个非常好的技术,一定会在更多场景下应用,但区块链肯定不会替代掉所有行业,而无论我们是接受还是排斥,都不会阻止区块链技术的发展,以及时代趋势的脚步,所以,不如敞开胸怀去学习和接纳。 Individuals consider block chains to be a very good technology that will be applied in more contexts, but they will certainly not replace all industries, and whether we accept them or exclude them, will not prevent the development of block chain technology, as well as the pace of the trends of the times, so it is better to open up to learning and acceptance. 本文由人人都是产品经理专栏作家 @陈峰旗 原创发布于人人都是产品经理 。未经许可,禁止转载 This post has been published by everyone as a columnist for product managers @Changfung's flag and was originally published by everyone as a product manager. No reprinting is allowed without permission. 题图来自Pixabay,基于 CC0 协议 The title is from Pixabay, based on the CC0 protocol.
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