区块链科普系列(一):比特币的产生与前期发展 比特币(Bitcoin,简写BTC)概念由中本聪提出,是一种点对点、去中心化的数字资产。2009年,中本聪打包了第一个区...
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:47 评论:0比特币(Bitcoin,简写BTC)概念由中本聪提出,是一种点对点、去中心化的数字资产。
The Bitcoin concept is proposed by Bintori and is a point-to-point, decentralized digital asset.
In 2009, Nakamoto packed the first block and received 50 bitcoins of mining incentives, which were reduced by half every four years, according to which Bitcoins was expected to be released in 2140 for a total of 21 million.
How did Bitcoin come out?
Currency begins in real currency, 随着互联网的 发展,我们从纸币过渡到记账货币,比如发工资只是在银行卡账户上做数字的加法,买衣服只是做减法。整个过程中都是银行在记账,且只有银行有记账权。 With the development of the Internet, we have moved from banknotes to currency of account, for example, pay is merely added to the bank card account, while clothing is bought as a reduction. The whole process is done by the bank, and only the bank has the right to account. 2008年的美国发生金融危机,在这个历史性的时刻,一位自称中本聪的人在网络上发表了一篇《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》的论文,文中描述了一个全新的数字货币系统:比特币。在比特币的系统里,大家都有权来记账,货币不能超发,整个账本完全公开透明,十分公平。这就是比特币产生的原因和动机。 The 2008 financial crisis in the United States, at a historic time when a self-proclaimed medium-breathing person published a paper on the Internet, Bitcoin: A Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System, describing a completely new digital monetary system: Bitcoin. In the Bitcoin system, everyone has the right to keep accounts, the currency cannot be overspent, and the entire account book is completely transparent and fair. That is why Bitcoin was created. 比特币系统是一种去中心化的数字货币系统,它解决了在没有中心机构的情况下,总量恒定的货币的发行和流通问题。通过比特币系统转账,信息公开透明,可以放心地将比特币转给地球另一端的人,每一笔转账信息都会被全网记录。白皮书的问世,也标志着比特币的底层技术区块链的诞生。 The Bitcoin system is a decentralised digital money system that solves the problem of the distribution and circulation of constant currency in the absence of a central institution. Transfers through the Bitcoin system, with open and transparent information, can safely transfer bitcoins to people across the globe, with every transfer recorded on the Internet. 随着比特币的发展,比特币逐渐受到认可:德国为全球首个接受比特币支付的国家;微软、戴尔等知名企业也纷纷接受比特币支付。举个栗子,你能直接用比特币买到美国本土生产的外星人电脑。不仅如此,投资者们还可以在火币网等交易平台投资比特币,交易获利。 With the development of Bitcoin, Bitcoin has gradually gained recognition: Germany is the first country in the world to accept Bitcoin payments; , , among other well-known companies, also accept Bitcoins payments. 谁是中本聪? Who's Hsing? 中本聪是比特币的开发者兼创始者。2008年11月1日中本聪发表了比特币白皮书,并于2009年1月3日首次挖出比特币,谁能动用创世区块里的比特币谁便是中本聪本人,所以谁是中本聪呢?历史上出现过很多个“中本聪”: On 1 November 2008, Ben was the developer and founder of Bitcoin. On 3 January 2009, Bintco first dug up bitcoin. Who can use bitcoin in the creation block, who is he, and who is he? 2013年,有人爆料在数学领域有过卓越贡献的望月新一就是中本聪,但是并没有提出直接证据。 In 2013, one of the most outstanding contributions in mathematics was to be found in mid-to-be, but no direct evidence was presented. 2014年,黑客黑进了中本聪用过的邮箱,并找到了邮件的主人多利安?中本(Dorian Nakamoto),随后多利安表示自己只是偶然获取了邮箱的地址和密码,并不是中本聪。2016年,克雷格?赖特(CraigWright)表示他是中本聪,且能提供中本聪的私钥。但随后,赖特因为无法面对大家的质疑而撤回自己的声明。 In 2014, hackers hacked into the medium-blind mailbox and found the mail owner, Dorian Nakamoto? Then Dorian stated that he had only accidentally obtained the address and password of the mailbox, not the middle-blind. In 2016, Craig Wright said that he was middle-blind and could provide middle-blind private keys. 比特币是怎么发行的? What's the issue of Bitcoin? 比特币没有特定的发行机构,而是依靠一套去中心化的发行机制,逐步将比特币发行出去。比特币系统相当于一个去中心化大账本,每个区块就是这个账本中的一页,系统自动生成比特币作为奖励激励矿工参与记账。 Bitcoin does not have a specific issuer, but rather relies on a decentralised distribution mechanism that gradually distributes bitcoin. The Bitcoin system is equivalent to a decentralized large account book, each one of which is a page, and automatically generates bitcoin as an incentive for miners to participate. 每10分钟,有特定的发行机构,而是依靠一套去中心化的发行机制,逐步将比特币发行出去。比特币系统相当于一个去中心化大账本,每个区块就是这个账本中的一页,系统自动生成比特币作为奖励激励矿工参与记账。 Every 10 minutes, there is a specific issuer, but rather a decentralised distribution mechanism that gradually distributes bitcoin. The Bitcoin system is equivalent to a decentralized large account book, each one of which is a page, and the system automatically generates bitcoin as an incentive to miners to participate. 每10分钟,全体矿工一起计算一道问题,最先算出答案的矿工获得记一页账的权利,记账完成后,他将自动获得一定量的比特币,这就是新增比特币的发行过程。 Every 10 minutes, all miners calculate a question together, and the first miner who calculates the answer gets the right to a page of accounts, and once the account is completed, he will automatically receive a certain amount of bitcoin, which is the process of issuing the new bitcoin. 根据中本聪的设计,最开始每记一次账奖励50个比特币,每记21万页账(注:也就是21万个区全体矿工一起计算一道问题,最先算出答案的矿工获得记一页账的权利,记账完成后,他将自动获得一定量的比特币,这就是新增比特币的发行过程。 According to the medium-bone design, 50 bitcoins per account were awarded at the beginning, 210,000 pages per account per account. (Note: 210,000 districts together calculate a question, the first miner to arrive at an answer is given the right to a page of accounts, and upon completion, he will automatically receive a certain amount of bitcoin, which is the process of issuing the new bitcoin. 根据中本聪的设计,最开始每记一次账奖励50个比特币,每记21万页账(注:也就是21万个区块,大约需要4年),记账的奖励就会减少一半,直到大约2140年,比特币将无法继续细分,至此,比特币发行完毕,总量2100万。所以,挖矿要趁早噢~ According to the medium-bone design, 50 bitcoins, 210,000 pages (note: 210,000 blocks, approximately four years), are the first to be recorded, and the reward is reduced by half until around 2140, when bitcoins will not be able to continue to be broken down. So, bitcoins are released for a total of 21 million. 比特币早期趣事:披萨卖到3亿元。 Bitcoin early fun: pizza sold to $300 million. 2010年5月22日,早期比特币爱好者——美国程序员拉兹洛(LaszloHanyecz)希望能用比特币交换实物商品,他在一个比特币论坛发帖说:希望用10000个比特币交换2个价值25美元的披萨。 On 22 May 2010, an early bitcoin lover, United States Programmer Laszlo Hanyecz, who wanted to exchange Bitcoin for goods in kind, wrote at a Bitcoin forum that he wished to exchange 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas worth $25. 一位英国志愿者与拉兹洛达成交易,获得了10000个比特币的报酬。这是比特币第一次有了价格,在整个加密社区引起了很大的轰动,人们为了纪念这次交易,把每年的5月22日称为“比特币披萨日”,比特币爱好者们聚在一起吃披萨庆祝。 A British volunteer made a deal with Lazlo, receiving 10,000 bits of money. This was the first time that Bitcoin had a price, which caused a lot of excitement throughout the encryption community. To mark the deal, 22 May of each year was called a “bitcoin pizza day”, and Bitcoin fans gathered to celebrate the pizza. 以现在比特币的比特币价格计算,当时的2块披萨价值约3亿人民币,买披萨的拉兹洛哥哥哭晕在厕所。 At the current Bitcoin price, two pieces of pizza were worth about 300 million yuan, and the brother of Lazlo, who bought the pizza, cried in the toilet.
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