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Block chain technology, as an important innovation, has important applications in areas such as finance, physical networking, and supply chain management. Many excellent block chain platforms have emerged in the country, and we will present the 10 platforms below.

币圈国内比较靠谱的交易所有 、, 国内首选欧易,其次币安,一般来说少金额的可以放 交易所,但因为实名可能存在风险。中等金额的可以放冷钱包、欧易web3.0钱包、imtoken、小狐狸等。大资金用硬件钱包

The average amount can be put in cold wallets, Euroweb 3.0 wallets, imtokens, foxes, etc.

全球加密货币投资者用的最多的就是 欧易web3.0钱包、imtoken钱包,和小狐狸钱包,是完全去中心化,和开源的。要下载钱包的话一定要在苹果的应用商店里、安卓手机可以到google应用商店的下载。外面的假钱包很多,很多假钱包与真钱包就差一个空隔,或一个小数点,下到假钱包的后果也不用我多说了。

The largest users of global encryption money investors are Euroweb 3.0 wallets, mtoken wallets, and fox wallets, which are completely centralized, open-sourced. If you want to download wallets, you have to download them in apple app stores, Andre's phones at google application stores. There's a lot of fake wallets out there, many of them are missing from real wallets, or a small number, and the consequences of falling down to fake wallets need not be mentioned.


Once again, fans are reminded that large sums of money must be in hardware wallets and chips in hardware wallets. Chip wallets are more secure than software wallets and Andre wallets.


I really haven't been robbed of my money since I've spent money in hardware wallets, small money in front of the world’s top-ranked central trading platforms (Oe, Money, Coinbase), and little fox purses. Instead of using this kind of non-open-source wallet, which is central to national production.

欧易OKX是全球前二大虚拟货币交易及Web3平台(官方注册 官方下载),面向全球用户提供比特币 (BTC)、以太币 (ETH)、USDT、Shiba Inu (SHIB)、瑞波 XRP、狗狗币(Doge)等多种虚拟货币资产的币币和衍生品交易服务,方便快捷地管理投资加密货币等资产。

EuroOKX is the official registered of the first two virtual currency transactions worldwide and Web3 platforms (, providing assets such as currency and derivatives trading services for various virtual currency assets, such as BTC, Etai (ETH), USDDT, Shiba Inu (SHIB), Raepo XRP, Doge) to global users to facilitate the rapid management of investment in encrypted currencies and derivatives.


The Eurokx Exchange is a leading digital asset trading platform dedicated to providing users with secure, stable and easy digital asset trading services.


As a well-known platform for digital money transactions, Eurookx maintains high credibility and security, with users in hundreds of countries around the world. Eurookx provides not only global trading pairs of mainstream digital currencies, but also a wide range of transactions, including contractual transactions, OTC transactions, and French-currency transactions, providing comprehensive digital asset transaction services to users.

币安交易平台(官方注册 官方下载)是一群数字资产爱好者创建而成的一个专注区块链资产的交易平台。总部位于日本东京,是目前中文交易所里最具影响力的平台之一。Binance由“Binary”和“Finance”的融合变形组成,意为数字科技与金融的融合。

The currency exchange platform (

火币全球专业站(官方注册 官方下载)是火币集团旗下服务于全球专业交易用户的创新数字资产国际站,致力于发现优质的创新数字资产投资机会,目前提供四十多种数字资产品类的交易及投资服务,总部位于新加坡。

An official register (


FirePlumbing is an international hub for innovative digital assets under the banner of FirePlumbing Group, which is dedicated to discovering high-quality opportunities for investment in innovative digital assets. More than 40 digital asset-type transactions and investment services are currently available, based in Singapore, and run by a team of FirePlumbing Global Professional Stations. FirePlumbing is a global-competitive and influential digital asset-composite service provider that provides high-quality services to more than 130 country-class users.


On 22 July 2020, the Gate.io brand was fully upgraded with the Chinese name & ldquo; Sesame Open & rdquo; officially launched.


Since its inception 13 years ago, nearly 500 high-quality block chain asset classes have been provided with trading and investment services for millions of users from more than 224 countries worldwide. Gate.io is committed to a trusted international station of secure, stable, credible block chain assets that not only provides safe, easy, fair chain asset trading services to users, but also provides comprehensive security of transactional information and asset security for users.

gate.io主体为Gate Technology Inc.,服务全球,在加拿大,韩国、日本、香港等多个国家和地区均设有独立的交易业务和运营中心。

Gate Technology Inc. serves the world, with separate trading operations and operations centres in a number of countries and regions, including Canada, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong.

gate.io 拥有超级防卫SSL链接,离线比特币钱包技术,即时区块链资产存取功能,多币种地址共享技术,多重安全验证保护,同时提供较低的区块链资产交易费用和提取费用。

Gate.io has super-defence SSL links, offline bitcoin wallet technology, instant block chain asset access function, multi-currency address-sharing technology, multiple security clearance protection, while providing lower block chain asset transaction costs and extraction costs.

Gate.io成立于2013年4月,中文名称「芝麻开门」,前身为中国的「比特儿」交易所,创始人为技术出身的韩林博士。 Gate.io的创建初心是「为每一个信仰比特币的人找到放心的交易场所」,这一想法贯彻了Gate.io的发展。 在9.4监管政策收紧之后,Gate.io离开中国,一直在海外发展。最近也进入了台湾、马来西亚、印尼、新加坡、韩国等东南亚市场。 目前Gate.io总部设在英属开曼群岛,为来自130多个国家,400多万用户提供加密货币的法币、现货和衍生品交易。官方声称提供100%保证金审计证明,真实透明的加密资产交易服务。

Gate.io was founded in April 2013 under the Chinese name "Sesame Opens" and formerly China’s "Bittle" exchange, founded by Dr. Hanlin, a technocrat. Gate.io was created with the idea of "finding a secure trading place for everyone who believes in Bitcoin."

Bitget创立于2018年,总部位于新加坡,是全球著名的数字资产衍生品交易平台。2020年7月Bitget完成了韩国顶级游戏公司SNK领投和顶级资本安澜资本跟投的千万美金的B轮融资,估值10亿美金。目前Bitget合约交易量稳居全球前五,据TokenInsight数据显示,Bitget USDT合约流动性位列行业前三。

Bitget, founded in 2018 and based in Singapore, is a well-known global platform for digital asset derivatives trading. In July 2020, Bitget completed the top Korean game company, SNK, with tens of millions of dollars in capital-led and capital-consolidated round B financing, valued at $1 billion.


Bitget currently has branches in Japan, Korea, Viet Nam, Canada, etc., and its team members are excellent people from top international cryptography, financial investment, social media and video games.

Coinbase Pro总部设立在美国,为用户提供安全的平台,方便用户进行各种数字资产投资。Coinbase Pro平台界面简洁易用,包括实时订单查询、图表工具、交易历史记录和简单的订单流程。

Coinbase Pro is based in the United States to provide a secure platform for users to invest in a variety of digital assets. The Coinbase Pro platform interface is simple and easy to use, including real-time order queries, graphic tools, transaction history records and simple order processes.


Coinbase attaches great importance to customer funds and the security of transactions, which is referred to as the safest bitcoin trading platform. Coinbase traders need dual authentication when trading in tokens.


Coinbase used less than 2 per cent of the money of all traders for on-line transactions, while more than 98 per cent of the funds were held on an off-line server, so that the risk of theft and the loss of stolen funds by clients would be significantly reduced and the day-to-day transactions would be successfully completed, which would require that Coinbase have stronger managerial capabilities and levels.


Coinbase’s network of officials shows that it now provides more than $150 billion in encrypted currency transactions to more than 30 million traders in 76 countries around the world. According to external sources, Coinbase’s revenue in 2018 was $1.3 billion, and the company’s market value was $8 billion, a truly crypto-currency Licorne enterprise.


Although Coinbase currently supports currency transactions in more than 100 countries, mainly in North America and Europe, where money can be imported and traded in French and not in Chinese. Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in Asia can make spot (currency) transactions to support credit card purchases. Coinbase, in mainland China, does not support any transactions at all, but it can be registered as a wallet (bitcoin bank) and used free of charge.

Bitfinex是iFinex Inc.公司所有和经营的数字货币交易平台,提供多种数字货币交易服务、保证金融资,以及比特币和莱特币的保证金交易。目前占有全世界数字货币交易平台市场份额的8%左右。

Bitfinex is a digital money trading platform owned and operated by iFinex Inc., which provides multiple digital money trading services, security financing, and bond trading in Bitcoin and Letco. It now accounts for about 8% of the market share of digital money trading platforms worldwide.


Bittrex was established in 2014 as the United States Digital Assets Exchange, known by domestic users as &quat; Bnet & &quat; providing currency transactions; and the United States dollar OTC. It is a very active US-based digital currency exchange and one of the world’s ten largest currency circles.


Kraken was founded in 2011 and has developed for more than a decade now, supported by a large number of currencies, with its headquarters in San Francisco as the international station for bitcoin, the largest trading volume in the euro. The Knet has gained a very large number of investors’ attention with super-security.


BitMEX is the state-of-the-art Bitcoin derivatives international station in the Republic of Seychelles and provides up to 100-fold leverage for Bitcoin-type products, as well as high leverage for other digital currency products.


In conclusion, significant progress has been made in the development of domestic block-chain platforms, which have unique advantages and applications in different areas. As block-chain technology evolves, it is believed that domestic block-chain platforms will open up wider market prospects.




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