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原标题:火币比特币行情丨比特币强势整理 寻觅操作良机
According to data from the national leading platform for digital money trading, the money network showed that this morning Bitcoin was fast pulling up and then falling back.
At about 6.30 a.m., the currency rose rapidly to about $4,600, and as a result, a lot of people went up, and the price jumped, causing some investors to go up. As of today, October 26th, the price of Bitcoin was around $4530.
There have been many instances before, and the current prices are in a position of resistance, and this morning's movement can be understood as a favourable financial situation, with the dispatching of forward forces to test the level of pressure, finding that there was a high level of pressure to throw, giving up active buy-in, changing the course, causing followers to panic, and reducing their own warehousing costs by low-price inhaling, and, of course, possibly with new financial involvement. Given the current poor overall economic environment, some of the funds need to be redirected, and the recent surge in Bitcoin’s success has attracted this segment of the population, creating a shock trend.
Following a sharp increase in prices to over 4500 on 22 October, prices fluctuated between 4470 and 4530, creating a concussion zone. In fact, as in the past, prices rose from 4150 to 4350, followed by a shock in about 4300.
(Market Net Bitcoin Four Hours K Line)
In general, the wash is likely to have been washed mostly by unsettled viewers, the wiring continues to catch the sun, and the sun breaks the uphill route so that the resistance position becomes a support position. The arrow position in the map is more than 4450, and the unpredictability of the market needs to be kept in check in the current highly organized form.
(Marketnet bitcoin love line)
Author: The Queen's Gun.
A disclaimer: This case analysis is for information only and does not constitute any investment advice or recommendation.
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