看似前几年的高增速结束了,在2022年接近于“饱和”,但2023年开始,增速貌似又开始回归。 It appears that the high rate of increase in previous years ended, approaching “saturation” in 2022, but starting in 2023, the rate of increase appears to have begun to return again. 主要是疫情过后的2023年: Most of them were in the year 2023 after the outbreak: 1、商业支付活动增加和理财服务收入增长。 Increased commercial payment activity and increased revenue from financial services. 2、企业服务收入在前期进行的云服务业务结构优化。 2. Optimizing the structure of cloud services operations carried out in the prior period by the enterprise's revenue from services. 3、新推出的视频号带货技术服务费增加。 3. Increase in the cost of technical services for newly launched video-coded items. 2024年腾讯对视频号带货很重视,企业云服务也会不停推广。他们是区块链技术,能为自己和客户降本增效。 说到区块链,这里绕不过腾讯的两个链:至信链和腾讯区块链(TrustSQL)。 Speaking of block chains, there can be no connection between the two chains of : to the letter chain and the tether block chain (TrustSQL). 1. 至信链:是腾讯公司联合外部生态伙伴发布的区块链开放平台,基于国产开源自主可控的「长安链」技术底层建设。至信链旨在为价值互联网提供低门槛的上链方案,促进信息的资产化及价值的自由流动。 1. To the chain of letters: an open platform for block chains, issued by Stichting in association with external ecological partners, based on national production to build the bottom of the technology derived from the largely controlled " long-chain ". To the chain of letters is designed to provide a low-threshold upper-chain programme for value Internet and to facilitate the assetization and free flow of information. 2. 腾讯区块链(TrustSQL):腾讯区块链是一个企业级的区块链开放平台,它集成了多个区块链底层技术,提供分布式账本、弱中心化、可信赖体系等特点,旨在为企业提供全方位的安全保护,适用于多种业务场景。 2. 这两个联盟链平台展示了腾讯在区块链技术方面的创新和应用能力,适用于不同的业务需求和场景。 These two platforms demonstrate the innovative and applied capabilities of 前面提到的长安链是国内首个自主可控的区块链软硬件技术体系,由北京微芯研究院、清华大学、北京航空航天大学、腾讯和百度等知名高校和企业共同研发。它于2021年1月27日正式对外发布,并迅速成为全球区块链领域的重要创新之一。 The long-term security chain is the country's first self-controlled system of hardware and software for block chains, which was officially launched on 27 January 2021 by the Beijing Microchip Institute, Qinghua University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Space, and 100-degree high-level schools and enterprises. It was launched on 27 January 2021 and rapidly became one of the major innovations in the global sector of the grid. 说到全球区块链,这又不得不提以太坊了。长安链能不能把它理解为“国产以太坊”? When it comes to the global chain of blocks, it has to be mentioned here. Can the long chain be understood as “national product”? 以太坊是一个去中心化的区块链平台,支持智能合约的执行和去中心化应用(DApps)的开发,你可以把他理解为操作系统,但它今后会不会取代安桌或苹果系统,这个不好说,目前来说今后更多的是他和安桌或windows等系统的一个相互兼容或互补吧。以太坊是一个全球性的公共区块链,任何人都可以加入并参与其中,无需许可。 Ether is a decentralised block chain platform that supports the implementation of smart contracts and the development of decentralised applications (DApps), and you can understand him as an operating system, but it will not replace a table or 长安链是一个更加注重自主可控和企业级应用的联盟链平台。它是由多家知名高校和企业共同研发的,更加注重于提供高性能、高可信、高安全的区块链解决方案,以满足企业和机构在特定行业和场景下的需求。长安链的设计强调的是可控性、安全性和合规性,它的应用通常在特定的联盟成员之间进行,而不是像以太坊那样面向全球用户。 The long-term safety chain is a platform that focuses more on autonomous, manageable and enterprise-level applications. It is developed by a number of well-known universities and enterprises, and is more focused on providing high-performance, high-trust, high-security block-chain solutions to meet the needs of enterprises and institutions in specific industries and contexts. 总的来说,长安链和以太坊都是区块链技术的杰出代表,但它们服务的对象和目标市场不同。长安链更像是为企业和机构服务的“企业级以太坊”,注重于提供可控、安全、合规的区块链解决方案,而以太坊则是一个开放、去中心化的全球性平台。 In general, the long-term safety chain and the Etheria are excellent representatives of block chain technology, but they serve different target audiences and target markets. The long-term security chain is more like a “business-level Ether” for businesses and institutions, focusing on the provision of controlled, safe, compliant block chain solutions, while the Ether is an open, decentralised global platform. 所以,将长安链比喻为国内的以太坊可以理解,但这个比喻并不完全准确。 Therefore, it is understandable to use the long-term affinity as a national ethalam, but it is not entirely accurate. 说回国内,国内联盟链的发展呈现出多元化趋势,各大企业和机构纷纷投入联盟链的研发和应用。其中,一些主要的联盟链玩家包括腾讯、百度、阿里、平安、京东、趣链和微众等公司。这些公司的联盟链技术在多个领域得到应用,如金融、民生、政务等,特别在溯源、存证、供应链金融等方面备受关注。 Domestically, the development of the domestic union chain has been diversified, with major enterprises and institutions investing in the development and application of the union chain. Among these, some of the major coalition chain players are , 具体到每家公司,例如腾讯、百度、阿里等科技巨头在2015年左右开始布局区块链,强调区块链的实际应用。这些公司主要聚焦于自主可控的联盟链研发,并提供BaaS定制化服务。从技术特征来看,这些公司的联盟链项目设计理念各不相同,但总体架构均强调易用性与可扩展性,以适应不同的行业需求。例如,蚂蚁链和百度超级链在效率方面表现突出,其中蚂蚁链在交易处理能力上领先,支持每秒高达10万笔跨链信息处理能力。 Specific to each company, for example 在安全性方面,各大企业都对联盟链的安全性进行了考量,采用了包括安全多方计算、可信硬件以及零知识证明等在内的多种隐私保护技术。这些技术不仅保障了交易的安全性,还增强了联盟链的稳定性和可靠性。 In terms of security, major enterprises have taken into account the security of the chain of alliances, using a variety of privacy protection techniques, including security multi-dimensional calculations, credible hardware, and proof of zero knowledge. These technologies not only guarantee the security of transactions, but also enhance the stability and reliability of the chain of alliances. 国内联盟链的发展中,各大企业之间是存在竞争关系的。不是说你负责教育,我负责金融,他负责政务……随着区块链技术的日益成熟和应用领域的不断扩展,企业之间在技术研发、市场布局、合作伙伴选择等方面都会出现竞争。例如,在金融、供应链管理、溯源、电子证照等领域,不同的联盟链平台可能会提供相似或不同的解决方案,以争夺市场份额和行业领导地位。 There is a competitive relationship between major firms in the development of the domestic union chain. Not to say that you are responsible for education, I am responsible for finance, and he is responsible for government... With the growing sophistication and application of block-chain technologies, competition among firms in technology development, market layout, and partner selection can occur. For example, in areas such as finance, supply chain management, traceability, electronic licensing, different alliance-chain platforms may offer similar or different solutions to compete for market shares and industry leadership. 但是这种竞争也推动了技术的创新和服务的优化,使得联盟链技术能够更快地成熟和普及。企业之间通过竞争,不断探索区块链技术的潜力,推动其在各个行业的应用,这对于整个区块链行业的发展是有益的。因此,虽然存在竞争,但这也是行业发展和进步的一个重要动力。伟大的企业也是竞争中发展起来的! But this competition also promotes technological innovation and service optimization, enabling the rapid maturity and diffusion of union-chain technologies. Through competition, firms constantly explore the potential of block-chain technologies and promote their application across sectors, which is beneficial for the development of the whole sector. So, while there is competition, it is an important engine for industrial development and progress. 前面说了,腾讯的至信链是基于国产开源自主可控的「长安链」技术底层建设的区块链开放平台,旨在为价值互联网提供低门槛的上链方案,促进信息的资产化及价值的自由流动。腾讯区块链(TrustSQL)则是一个企业级的区块链开放平台,集成了多个区块链底层技术,提供分布式账本、弱中心化、可信赖体系等特点,旨在为企业提供全方位的安全保护。 As already stated, 关于腾讯区块链的收入情况,根据腾讯的财务报告,金融科技及企业服务已经成为腾讯的重要收入来源之一。例如,在2018年腾讯的金融科技及企业服务收入达到731亿元,同比增长80%,占营收23%,超越网络广告成为腾讯的第二大业务收入板块。区块链作为金融科技的一部分,在其中扮演了重要角色。腾讯区块链在电子发票、供应链金融、商业银行票据、司法存证、电子证照、公益寻人、数字内容保护、产品溯源防伪、医疗处方流转等多个领域都有广泛应用尝试,其中区块链电子发票项目尤为成功。 With regard to 然而,据腾讯区块链总经理表示,腾讯目前并不专注于区块链业务的盈利,而是更注重于推动“区块链+供应链金融”等领域的应用和发展。这表明腾讯在区块链领域的重点在于技术与应用的创新和推广,而非短期内的直接盈利。 However, according to 腾讯的联盟链,确实旨在为其自身运作以及合作伙伴提供降本增效的解决方案,但它的应用远不止于此。腾讯的联盟链技术致力于提供一个安全、可靠、高效的平台,以支持各种商业应用和服务。主要作用和目标包括:降本增效、数据安全与隐私保护、跨机构合作、促进新业务模式发展…… 通过联盟链技术,腾讯能够优化其内部流程和外部合作流程,例如在供应链管理、财务审计和数据共享等方面。这有助于减少交易成本、提高效率,以及降低欺诈和错误的风险。腾讯的联盟链解决方案还帮助企业更好地遵守政策规定和法律法规,尤其是在金融科技和其他高度监管的行业。 Through coalition chain technology, 说到这里,记得当年共享链(SharesChain)联合创始人杨勇在2018年说过:“当前公链最大的问题是缺乏落地的应用场景,大家都在努力解决或优化TPS等效率问题,但是却没有一个真正落地的场景应用,如何解决现实问题才是他们应该考虑的。”他表示不论你的公链效率再快、再好,无法实际应用那依旧没有任何意义,因为区块链的发展一定是要解决问题,创造真实价值的。所以说我国的联盟链就是走落实应用的路线+创新,不搞“代币经济模式”。 Speaking of this, it will be recalled that in 2018 Yang Yong, the co-founder of Shares Chain, said: “The biggest problem in the public chain today is the lack of field applications, and everyone is trying to solve or optimize efficiency problems such as TPS, but there is no real landing scenario, and how to solve real problems is what they should consider.” He said that whatever your public chain is more efficient and better, it still has no sense to actually apply it, because the chain of blocks must be developed to solve problems and create real values. So the alliance chain of ours is to follow the course of application + innovation, rather than the “deposit economy model”. 我国的联盟链与海外的公链主要有以下几点不同: The main differences between our union chain and the public chain abroad are as follows: 1、控制权限与参与主体上联盟链是一种半私有的区块链,通常由几个预选的节点(企业、政府机构等)共同维护。这意味着参与网络的实体是受限的,网络不是完全开放的。相比之下,海外的许多区块链项目如比特币和以太坊,属于公开区块链,任何人都可以参与节点运行和验证过程。 This means that the entities involved in the network are limited and the network is not entirely open. By contrast, many block chain projects abroad, such as Bitcoin and Etheria, belong to the open sector chain, and anyone can participate in the node operation and validation process. 2、监管与合规上联盟链设计时往往考虑到更严格的监管要求和数据隐私问题,以符合国内法规。而海外的公开区块链更注重去中心化和匿名性,可能不那么符合特定国家的监管要求。 Regulation and compliance chains are often designed in a way that takes into account stricter regulatory requirements and data privacy issues in order to comply with domestic regulations. The open sector chains abroad are more focused on de-centralization and anonymity, which may be less responsive to regulatory requirements in a given country. 3、应用场景上联盟链更多用于金融、医疗、供应链管理等行业,强调的是效率提升和成本降低,同时保证交易的可验证性和不可篡改性。海外的区块链则更多被用于加密货币、智能合约和去中心化应用(DApps)等领域。 3. Alliance chains on the application scene are used more frequently in the financial, medical, and supply chain management sectors, with emphasis on efficiency gains and reduced costs, while ensuring the authentication and non-frozen nature of transactions. Box chains abroad are used more frequently in areas such as encrypted currency, smart contracts, and decentralized applications (DApps). 技术发展与创新:我国联盟链发展更加注重实用性和落地应用,而海外的区块链项目往往更重视技术创新和探索新的可能性。 Technological development and innovation: The development of our Union chain is more focused on practical and landing applications, while project blocks abroad tend to focus more on technological innovation and explore new possibilities. 那么我国的联盟链能否走出国门在海外获得一定份额? So can our union chain get a share abroad from the country? 1、在技术兼容性上如果我国的联盟链技术能够与国际标准兼容,更易于与其他国家的系统集成,那么它们在海外的接受度可能会提高。 1. In terms of technical compatibility, their acceptance abroad is likely to increase if our coalition chain technology is compatible with international standards and more easily integrated with the systems of other countries. 2、在合规性上我国的联盟链必须满足目标市场的法律和监管要求。 2. In terms of compliance, our coalition chain must meet the legal and regulatory requirements of the target market. 3、在市场需求上如果海外市场对于联盟链的应用场景有明确的需求,比如供应链管理、身份验证等,那么我国的联盟链产品和技术就有可能在这些领域获得成功。 On the demand side of the market, if the overseas market has a clear demand for the application landscape of the chain of alliances, such as supply chain management, identification, etc., then our products and technologies of the chain of alliances are likely to succeed in these areas. 4、在合作与信任上跨国合作和建立国际合作伙伴关系对于进入海外市场至关重要。信任是合作的基石,我国的联盟链企业需要建立起国际信誉。 4. Cross-border cooperation and the building of partnerships for international cooperation in cooperation and trust are essential for access to overseas markets. Trust is the cornerstone of cooperation, and our coalition-chain enterprises need to build international credibility. 近十年以来,中国共有6882家中国企业在共建国家开展专利申请活动,腾讯在一带一路共建国家申请专利2089件在国内排名第五,前四位分别是华为(6586件)、小米(2807件)、阿里巴巴(2557件)、中兴(2243件)。 Over the past 10 years, 6882 Chinese enterprises have been engaged in patent applications in a co-founding country in 因此,虽然面临挑战,但我国的联盟链在某些特定条件和努力下,是有机会在海外市场获得一定份额的。$腾讯控股(00700)$ Thus, despite the challenges, our union chain has an opportunity to gain a share in overseas markets under certain conditions and efforts.
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